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Is magnetism inverted materiality?


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First of all, I hope that I have magnetism down. A magnetic field emerges when there is some harmonization among the electrons in the magnet such that the negative charge of (some of) the electrons occurs in unison away from the side where the protons' positive charge is dominant. I hope this is a somewhat accurate description.


Now, as for the solid materiality of matter, this seems to be a result of the electrons as well. Only in this case, the electrons orbit the nuclei of the atoms constituting the matter in such a way that they are more or less random relative to one another and the result is that there is little or no magnetic field surrounding the object and the electrons serve only to prevent other atoms from converging with their neighbors. So far so good?


So my question is whether the alignment of the electrons that causes the magnetic field shifts field-force away from the task of maintaining the rigidity of the atoms. If so, I would think magnetism could be described as "inverted materiality" since 100% shift from randomness to alignment would cause all the electromagnetic field-force to be expressed as a unified magnetic field, leaving none for shielding the atomic nuclei from one another.


This would also seem to imply two things: 1) that "total magnets" where all EM force is harmonized/aligned would no longer exhibit shielding between the nuclei (and thus presumably be more susceptible to nuclear fusion?). 2) that fusion reactions would exhibit a magnetic field proportional to the displaced electron-shielding. Are either of these extrapolations logical and, if so, are they contradicted by observed evidence?

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Your description would be of an electric dipole, which would have a field the same shape as a magnet but it would be an electric field. Each electron is like a little magnet in addition to being negatively charged. In most atoms the electrons cancel out each other's magnetic field, but in some (the ferromagnetic ones) they don't completely cancel.


I think you're right about magnets having a slightly weaker molecular bonding than if they were unmagnetized, but I doubt it would be noticeable at the physical nor chemical level, and as for fusion you would want as much charge shielding as possible. This might interest you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon-catalyzed_fusion

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Electrons have one of two spin numbers (+1/2 or -1/2). Usually the electrons pair so the spins sort of cancel (cancel- the best word I could think of). Whenever there is an odd number of electrons, or some other special cases in the transition metals, the spins don't fully pair up so there is a net magnetic moment associated with that atom. In Ferromagnetic materials, traditional "magnets" you see everyday, all the net magnetic moments of all the atoms line up. You should look up diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, and ferrimagnetism for a good general idea of magnetism. I think magnetism is best explained by comparing and contrasting the various types.

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Electrons have one of two spin numbers (+1/2 or -1/2). Usually the electrons pair so the spins sort of cancel (cancel- the best word I could think of). Whenever there is an odd number of electrons, or some other special cases in the transition metals, the spins don't fully pair up so there is a net magnetic moment associated with that atom. In Ferromagnetic materials, traditional "magnets" you see everyday, all the net magnetic moments of all the atoms line up


In case it's not clear, the "all the atoms line up" is because of the material itself. Iron, for example, forms a metal lattice where relatively (on the atomic scale) large sections of the metal will have the spins aligned; this is called a domain. When get alignment of multiple domains, you have a net magnetic field for the whole material.

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In case it's not clear, the "all the atoms line up" is because of the material itself. Iron, for example, forms a metal lattice where relatively (on the atomic scale) large sections of the metal will have the spins aligned; this is called a domain. When get alignment of multiple domains, you have a net magnetic field for the whole material.


Thanks Swansont, nice save. Sorry, "all the magnetic moments line up" was an overstatement, I should have mentioned domains.

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Thanks Swansont, nice save. Sorry, "all the magnetic moments line up" was an overstatement, I should have mentioned domains.


No problem. I recall it being the "missing link" in me understanding the concept — it wasn't until I learned about magnetostriction that it all "clicked." I imagine we're all a little more sensitive to our own prior misconceptions.

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