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Living with the opposite sex


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I have a question for those who are way more knowledgeable about biological/chemical responses .

What effects could living with only the opposite sex have on a persons hormonal/biological chemistry ?

For example a woman who lives with 4 males and has nearly no interaction with other females ,

Would or could this throw off the persons biological/chemical clock or rhythm ? or even affect the person natural female traits ?


Now hopefully i worded this all correctly.

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I know of an experiment in which immature female rats were exposed to the scent of mature male rat urine and all the females experienced menarche much earlier than would ordinarily be the case. Earlier sexual maturation of females is now being observed among humans, but this has usually been explained as the result of better nutrition. The age of sexual maturity among humans used to be much later than it is today, occurring around 16 or 17, most likely because of poor nutrition. Enculturation may also play a role in advancing the age of sexual development. Groups of women living together begin to experience menstruation at the same time, which again suggests considerable pheremone signalling among people to turn each other's sexual development on or off. The intense sexuality of the early phase of romantic relationships usually ends around 18 months after the relationship begins, which is also when people lose their heightened sensitivity to the pheremones of a new partner.

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