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Need Moderators


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Biotechnology and Microbiology students Portal is seeking a Moderators for given below forum categories,It is a volunteeropportunity with a commitment of 1-2 hours per day.

  • Categories are:

    • Molecular Parasitology
    • Antimicrobials and Vaccines
    • Mycology
    • Bacterial Genetics and Signaling
    • Identifying and Culturing Bacteria
    • Pathogenic Bacteria / Host-Pathogen Interactions
    • Environmental Microbiology
    • Cell Culture and Tissue Culture
    • Cell Signaling/Transduction
    • Clinical Research
    • Recombinant Gene Expression
    • Immunology
    • Stem Cell Biology
    • Virology
    • RNA
    • Proteomics
    • Protein Detection (Western blots, gels, IP)
    • Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
    • Matrix Biology
    • Lab Automation
    • Glycobiology
  • For Moderators:
  • Moderators will be awarded a maximum of a 1000 US$ / per annum towards travel and/or registration for a scientific meeting of Moderator's choice.
  • Organizing / Participating Annual science meets of Biotechnology and Microbiology students Portal.
  • Every year Best Moderator will be selected as "Chief Moderator" or "director" of our portal and awarded some shares of our portal.
  • Each Moderator will get professional on line diary(see sample)
    Those who are interested please mail me to portaladmin@microbiologystudents.com

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