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Hi, I am interested in old 'cures' for tuberculosis.

I have been reading in 'the white plague' by thomas dormandy that there was an Austrian firm that sold bottled mountain air as a possible cure for TB.

This soudns really amazing to me, and therefore I wanted to know more about this (even hoped to obtain such a bottle). However, thus far I haven't found any additional information.

Does anybody know:

1. if this is true (firm was called Goebel, from Gmunden, Austria, the product was called 'Luft from Ischl').

2. Where to find more information on this.

3. where to find (a picture of) such a mountain air bottle.


Thanks very much for your help.


You might also want to read Thomas Mann's famous novel, 'Der Zauberberg,' 'The Magic Mountain,' about one such tuberculosis cure resort in the Swiss Alps during the period just before the First World War.


If you are generally interested in the history of treatments for tuberculosis in the pre-BCG era, you might also want to read about the treatment used in the 1920s, which was to bubble hydrogen peroxide into the patient's blood and then re-inject it intra-arterially.

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