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While metal detecting in and around a small creek, I came across this. At first I could only guess at what it may be. One of my guesses was a meteorite. I looked up other images and it does resemble some of them.

Also, a day or two later while looking at it, it dawned on me, that it looked like it could have been a Native American cutting tool. So by gripping it, you can feel that it fits comfortably in your hand, exposing the sharp edge ready for cutting.

Now whether it is a meteorite or not is still up for debate and any insight would be helpful. But I'm quite confident it has been used as a cutting tool. Anybody?


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Where did you obtain it? We can know by using microscope whether the matter is meteorite or not. But the color is not looks like meteorite. Most meteorite contains small amount carbon contrast because they comes from the Astroid belt or residual matter at the beginning of the Solar system formation. Sometimes the other kind of meteorite was found which comes from the debris of the planet collision results.

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Do You Think You May Have Found a Meteorite?

Meteorites have several distinguishing characteristics that make them different from terrestrial (Earth) rocks. You can use this list to guide you through them. Usually, meteorites have all or most of these characteristics. Sometimes, detailed chemical analyses need to be done, but only on rocks that meet all these characteristics.


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