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nitric acid

ammonium nitrate

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Nitroglycerine is an organo nitrate compound. Nitric acid is just a nitrate anion with an extra proton. The abundance of [ce]R-CONO_2[/ce] linakges in nitroglycerine is what makes it unstable and therefore explosive. Nitric acid just doesn't have that type of structure.



Edited by mississippichem
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Nitric acid is just a compound that gives a proton easily (like hydrochloric or sulphuric acids) i.e. its a Bronsted acid. However, in this case, nitric acid can also nitrated compounds which is what heppens in the presence of glycerine. So while it itself is not explosive, the products of its reactions sometimes are.....I feel the need to reiterate CaptainPanic...don't mess around/try make this stuff....if your lucky you'll spend the rest of you life in jail.

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