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Do Lines of magnetic flux have weight ??



I have this question


this photo


سؤال فيزياء


I drew it


there is a Circuit with a coil >> there is a sensitive balance with a ball of wrought Iron


The question is



What will happen to the balance's reading when the current is in the direction in the picture ??


And what will happen If we made the current in the opposing direction ??



Thanks in advance


What you seem to be asking is whether a north pole of an electromagnet would attract the wrought iron ball a different amount from an equal strength south pole. I feel sure it would not. The simple answer to your question is (imo) that there would be no difference. In a practical experiment with a very sensitive balance you might sense a very small difference if the ball retained a small amount of residual magnetism.


But in both ways the reading of the balance would be less than its reading when there was no magnatic field ??


I mean Is it sure that both north pole and south pole will attract the wrought Iron ??



because in one case >> the field direction would be down towards the Iron


but in the other case the field goes up not down>>


Wouldn't the first make the Iron heavier ? and the reading will be more ??


If the material were diamagnetic, there would be repulsion. For paramagnetic or ferromagnetic (with no permanent magnetism), the force is attractive. This is regardless of the field direction. It's only if you have a permanent field in the iron that the field direction matters.


so the reading will be less in both cases ?


And another thing please >> when you say a diamagnetic material >> isnot copper and gold diamagnetic ??


when does this repulsion occur ??


If there was a current passing through the material ??




And as for my first question .. there is no current in the wrought Iron ..


Thanks in advance

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