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moving a metal in magnetic Paralleling its direction


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If we have a coil >> and then moved a Cylinder of wrought Iron in it >>we now that the magnetic field inside this coil will parallel the axis


And so the Angle between the magnetic field and the movement direction would be Zero (wouldn't it? )


Would there be a current in the cylinder ??


I mean Eddy current


Thanks in advance

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Well, I just study this in simple


Doesn't moving a cylinder in a magnetic field that doesn't change Equal putting a still cylinder in a magnetic field that changes due to the change in the current in the coil ??


(sorry If the statement is not clear )



It is written that when we put the cylinder there is eddy currents (the cylinder doesn't move , put the Intensity of the magnetic field changes)


But then it is written that one way to decrease it is to make the cylinder into thin bars and put it paralleling the axis


so I want to know >> the decrease in the eddy current here is just due to (cutting) the cylinder into thin bars , not to putting it paralleling the axis , As it was already paralleling the axis when it was a cylinder , Am I right ??


If I am not right , what is the difference ?

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Well, I just study this in simple


Doesn't moving a cylinder in a magnetic field that doesn't change Equal putting a still cylinder in a magnetic field that changes due to the change in the current in the coil ??



A field that is changing in strength is not uniform in time, so the two situations are not equivalent.

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