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Hello! I have a question. We know TEGR is obtained when we choose f(T) = T. I think it means this case is identical with f® = R, i.e. we obtain the same friedmann equations in both models. Also, we know that if we want to study a \Lambda CDM model in f® theory the Lagrangian density is something like R - 2*\Lambda. I need to know is there a similar Lagrangian density for \Lambda CDM model in f(T) gravity or not. I think it has a form like T-2*\Lambda. Am I wrong?

Posted (edited)

So this is related to teleparallel gravity? Which is describing gravity as torsion and not curvature. I know that teleparallel gravity can be equivalent to general relativity for certain choices of parameters.


As for f(T) gravity I have no idea. I am not familiar with it.


All I can suggest is a good hunt through the literature. Does the following paper help?


Puxun Wu, Hongwei Yu, Observational constraints on $f(T)$ theory, Phys.Lett.B693:415-420,2010 (arXiv:1006.0674v5 [gr-qc])

Edited by ajb

I don't think anyone on here can really help you. I do not know anyone here that is working on f(T) gravity or anything that close.


As you are familiar with the literature, pick someone who has published on f(T) gravity and ask them. I am sure they will not mind attempting to answer that for you.


Is this part of a PhD project or something?


Sorry I can't be more helpful.


What has your supervisor said about this? He maybe able to suggest who to ask, if he is not sure himself.

Posted (edited)

I wanted to solve this problem myself. Thanks anyway.




My general advice would be not to be scared about asking supervisors for advice and direction. I think I made that mistake myself and wasted plenty of time during my PhD.


Anyway, good luck and I hope you can solve this. Let us know how you get on.

Edited by ajb

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