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I'm wondering if anyone knows much about smart fabrics. I've done a little research about it as it's something I'm interested in. I'm looking for someone to have a discussion with and hopefully answer some questions I have.


For those who don't know what it is.


Smart Textiles






Conductive Textile



This is kind of example of the technology.



Join the discussion tell me what you think about it. Bounce some ideas around. Also if you know of something that is related to this technology please let me know!


I don't think we have any psychics here. What are your questions?


Just inviting people in for a discussion. I don't really have a lot question I could ask right off the bat I'm just inquisitive about the entire topic.


But to get the ball rolling, is there anything like batman's wing fabric? My understanding is that with an electrical current the molecules change.




1. How strong does the electrical current need to be to change the state.

- Does the current have to be running through the material constantly to keep it in the altered state or does the fabric remember it.


And no, I'm not planning on making bat wings.


I'm not familiar with Batman clothing, but in theory you could make something flexible that could become rigid and stay that way with very little energy. We do have some materials that can flex or contract when electricity is applied, in which case it is energy and not voltage that would be required to move against resistance. Having it as clothing is probably pushing it though, unless you don't mind it being either very weak or very heavy.

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