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Boolean Algebra is the most basic algebra in mathematics, you should be able to do this ...




I'll take * as AND, + as OR, and ⊕ as XOR, and ' as NOT


Following De Morgan Laws, we get the following ...


while NOT AND = OR, and NOT OR = AND


(a+a') = 1 :: always true (something can happen or not)


(a*a') = 0 :: always false (something can happen and not)


(c+a)' = c' * a'


(c⊕b)' = ( (c * b') + (c' * b) )' = (c * b')' * (c' * b)' = (c' + b) * (c + b')


we get ...


((c+a)' * (c⊕b)')' = ( (c' * a') * ((c' + b) * (c + b')) )' = (c' * a')' + ((c' + b) * (c + b'))'


= (c + a) + ( (c' + b)' + (c + b')' ) = (c + a) + ( (c * b') + (c' * b') )


= c + a + ((c * b') + (c' * b')) = c + a + (b' * (c + c'))


= c + a + b'

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