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Unified Field Theory, a solution?


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With reference to the Unified Field Theory or Theory of Everything, a possible solution is here suggested in an attempt to come out from the impasse in which Science finds itself. Notwithstanding the time and the talent thrown in to try to incorporate gravitation as portrayed by General Relativity with the Standard Model describing the quantum mechanical nature of the other three fundamental interactions, the road showed itself to be a dead end road.

The persisting interest of Einstein and the pledge of others since the beginning of last century did not give any results; there hasn’t been a way to unify these two physical aspects of the universe. The four forces of nature, we may say, have remained the way they were and the «theory of everything» has itself remained more than ever elusive. In other words, physicists in the name of Science have given up the unified Newtonian conception of the universe and afterwards did not known how to find a new conception equally unified that would respond to those laws that must be rigidly scientific.

What we are seeing in figure 1 may be applicable to a single atom, to free (optical) space or, if you want to, we may extend the physical concept to the entire universe. This we can do keeping in mind that free (optical) space is an expanding substance composed of infinitely many small pointlike electromagnetic point-sources of self-generating energy each having its own unsaturated sink with continuous absorption because of the constant and continuous expansion and/or extension (the wavelength proper of the process for the creation of time and/or space) . These point-sources must be considered inertial frames moving at the speed of light and consequently their slope is 1/c, or 3.335x10-11 centimetres per second. In addition to it, by extrapolation to cosmological size, we may think of an entire cluster of galaxies containing infinitely many electromagnetic point-sources and retaining the same dynamics of a single point-source.


Following this line of thought and thinking for a moment of the universe as a sphere, we have before our very eyes the two faces of the one and only identical reality; we have first a non-linear electromagnetic field known as the gravitational field when we move from the centre of the sphere towards the outer edge; and then we have a linear electromagnetic field known as radiative field when we move transverse to gravitation and along any given wavelength, that is: forming a circle starting from any point along an imaginary radius vector to indicate the type of electromagnetic radiation we have chosen.

I shall here point out to the reader that my proposition finds strong support in the empirical evidence of:

(1) radiating energy in the gravitational field (non-linear field) where the energy itself is variable even though the speed remains constant throughout the energy steps, and

(2) radiating energy in the electromagnetic field (linear field) where the energy is constant and the speed is constant.

This is then the universe in which we live, and by the look of things it cannot be unified since it appears to have two different physical structures one running transverse to the other. We may then say that in order to explain the large scale behaviour we experience, the universe must be «seen» in two distinct ways. In the non-linear, gravitational or else extending field, the wave propagates with direction in space becoming longer up to, and not exceeding, the finite length of 300 million metres. This explains why at each energy level the wavelength is not the same and the waveform is not the same; and this also explains why along the extension there is no signal transfer, or telecommunication. On the other hand, when viewed transverse to the extension (linear field), the wave may be considered to be «resident energy» and as such maintains the same length and the same form, and it is part, together with similar waves, of a telecommunication channel for any electromagnetic signal to travel with direction in space.

To show the difference between gravitation and the radiative field of Maxwell, I have used a sphere. I would now like to show this difference with a cone-like figure and perhaps render the concept a bit more perceptible. If, for example, we put the cone upright as seen in figure 2 and identify the cone with the electromagnetic spectrum, we can easily imagine all radiations running orthogonal to it. From gamma radiation at the bottom, to visible light confined half way through, to long waves. All radiations have the same speed of the spectrum, they all have a frequency range which belongs to the spectrum, they all have an inner structure coming from a transverse section of the spectrum.


I shall now conclude by saying that the gravitational field is a non-linear field in the same way that the gradation scale of the electromagnetic spectrum is. With the spectrum the wave becomes asymptotically long up to the full length of the gradation scale which is 3x108 metres per second. With gravitation the wave becomes asymptotically short as we approach the gravitating body.

Edited by Meneghin
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