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Bringing back extinct species.


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Originally posted by RED FIRE COW

Your not playing God because supposedly God gave us free will.

I think he means "what gives us the right to decide that an extinct animal should be brought back into existence".


But of course if you were religious and pro-cloning (an odd combination) you would just use the "dominion over all animals" bit from Genesis as if it were some sort of credible argument..,

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Originally posted by NSX

But seriously, what about the Jurrasic Park situation? It could get out of hand...


With regard to the Jurassic park scenario, we may just get away with it using mammoth.


There have been a relatively large number of mammoth remains discovered, and scientists have managed to glean a lot of interesting information from them. For example, working from a number of anatomical clues, the prevailing theory is that mammoth were vegetarian. Based upon this evidence, most experts agree that mammoth were less prone to eating people than certain other animals existing at that time, such as the cave lion for instance. Similar anatomical clues suggest that mammoth were also quite large, which, it is supposed, would make it difficult for them to hide behind trees or small bushes, and would also present certain problems when attempting to stalk things through long grass.


Moreover, investigations which reveal that mammoth had legs and knees in a similar conformation to the modern elephant suggest that they were a lot slower than say, velociraptors, or even a cave lion with a badly twisted ankle. Elephant are not famed for their ability to jump, and given the similarity between modern elephant and mammoth in leg and knee conformation, it is widely held that there are no real grounds to suppose that mammoth would be particularly good at it either. Thus (it is reasoned), even if they were found to be particularly 'stalky' in nature, they are unlikely to be much good at pouncing.


The upshot of this is that most experts believe that should we manage to successfully clone mammoth, people going for a walk through the bush or long grass are unlikely to be at significant risk of being stalked and pounced on by them. However, it has been suggested in certain, more cynical quarters that a significant risk to the public would be posed by the aggressive marketing of novelty t-shirts and small plastic mammoth in amusing poses.


As to the actual act of cloning mammoth, I agree with the guy on Jurassic park when he said that these people are so busy working out whether they could, they forgot to ask whether they should.

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Well, due to the size of the wooly mammoth, I'm guessing it's a fairly large eater...even if it's a herbivore, think of how much plants it would eat! This could seriously disrupt the food chain of our current ecosystems; which eventually, will screw humans as well as the many animals losing out on their food.

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Originally posted by Aardvark

I seriously doubt that a few Mammoths eating a lot of grass in Sibera is the worse ecological threat ever.


Somehow i am sure we would find a way to screw the planet up even more than that.

Fixed your post for you.


Mammoths would affect whatever ecosystem we dumped them in, but they'd make no impact any worse than that which would have been made by all the elephants man has butchered over the decades.

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