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Nuclear Fusion_New Method_Patent Pending

Joseph Chikva

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The Method of Execution of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reaction





The invention concerns to methods of realization of controlled thermonuclear reaction for purpose of energy use.




In the existing now experimental settings of nuclear fusion reactors (the TOKAMAK, the Stellarator, etc.) overcoming of a Coulomb barrier between particles of reacting components is carried out at the expense of heating of substance to so-called "thermonuclear" temperatures (the order of 100 million degrees K). But till now the energetic efficiency in similar settings has not been reached because was not possible to retain plasma long enough time by which enough particles would have the time to react and the energy output from their responses would exceed the energetic expenses spent for substance heating.


The extremely great difficulty of holding of high-temperature plasma is possible to explain by high mobility of its particles at a so high temperature.




The closest decision to the offered invention is the “Method of Execution of Nuclear Fusion Reaction in a Potential Well of Negative Charge” offered by Budker (G.I. Budker, Collection of Articles, Nuclear Fusion Reaction in a Potential Well of the Negative Charge, M, Nauka, 1982) according which the beam of relativistic electrons when transits through the neutral gas consisting of reacting components ionizes that gas, heats it up to thermonuclear temperatures and then holds in the potential well the depth of which at an amount of ions much less than electrons is equal:


The formula (1)





The Formula (2)


Omega – the amount of electrons on a unit of length of beam


R with icon “e” – the radius of section of electronic beam


R – the radius of a metal pipe in which beam transits


But in mentioned article is also shown that the realization of nuclear fusion reaction via such way is possible but “... The electromagnetic radiation energy of electrons appears considerably much bigger than nuclear energy receiving from fusion reactions. “


The purpose of invention


The purpose of invention is to achieve of energetic efficiency of controlled nuclear fusion reactions


The description of invention


It is offered to create two beams of particles of reacting components and to direct them along the same axis and in the same direction but with different arranged moving absolute velocities. So, one beam of particles should transit through another beam and their relative speed (velocity) should be sufficient for that the majority of particles could overcome the Coulomb barrier between the reacting particles. So, in the difference of most of now developing methods to overcome a Coulomb barrier, it is offered to apply the energy of particles arranged moving in beams and not to apply the energy of chaotic (thermal) moving.


• For achievement of sufficient intensity of nuclear fusion the focusing of reacting beams is necessary. For this purpose it is offered to direct the relativistic electrons along the same axis but towards to reacting particles beams. This electronic beam should partially compensate the positive space charge of reacting particles and at the time the magnetic attraction will compress the whole system in radial direction (pinch-effect).


Bennet and Budker have shown that in case of sufficient high relativism of electrons (relativistic factor) such beams should be steady enough against the majority types of instabilities (G.I. Budker, Collection of articles, The Stabilized Electronic Beam, M, Nauka, 1982)


• For compensation of alignment of speeds (velocities) of particles beams of reacting components and also for compensation of energy losses (radiant losses) of focusing electrons it is offered to create the longitudinal electric field.



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