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Asking questions about finalize() method in Java object finalization....

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class Chair {

static boolean gcrun = false;

static boolean f = false;

static int created = 0;

static int finalized = 0;

int i;

Chair() {

i = ++created;

if(created == 500)

System.out.println("Created 500");


public void finalize() {

if(!gcrun) {

// The first time finalize() is called:

gcrun = true;


"Beginning to finalize after " +

created + " Chairs have been created");


if(i == 47) {


"Finalizing Chair #47, " +

"Setting flag to stop Chair creation");

f = true;



if(finalized >= created)


"All " + finalized + " finalized");




public class Garbage {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// As long as the flag hasn't been set,

// make Chairs and Strings:

while(!Chair.f) {

new Chair();

new String("To take up space");



"After all Chairs have been created:\n" +

"total created = " + Chair.created +

", total finalized = " + Chair.finalized);

// Optional arguments force garbage

// collection & finalization:

if(args.length > 0) {

if(args[0].equals("gc") ||

args[0].equals("all")) {




if(args[0].equals("finalize") ||

args[0].equals("all")) {









For the above code


If I put this statement:


System.out.println("i varriable is" + i);


before if(i == 47) in the finalize() method, because I want to check which Chair is being finalized first, but why it turns out the program is running forever till my computer crashes?

it somehow tells that the if(i == 47) loop never be executed... why?



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