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Unified Field Theory.Unification of gravity field with the electromagnetic field.

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Unified Field Theory.


Unification of gravity field with the electromagnetic field.

By: Mavriche Adrian








By:Mavriche Adrian









The present document startsfrom the relative existence of the electromagnetic field, reaching throughmental experiments its connection with the gravitational field, without thenecessity to resort to other space - time dimensions or supplementary"exotic" particles. The final conclusion is that the field"electro-gravitational" and electromagnetic field with acceleratedsource are two different manifestations of the same single field dynamic.Whilst demonstrating why there are light sources with "flee" towardsthe red or blue of the light spectrum.









As support for the theory set out in the title I have twoother theories tested and accepted today, as follows:


1) – The electromagneticfield theory completely defined by the four Maxwell's equations, which statethat, a variable electric or magnetic field (namely in accelerated motion)generate an electromagnetic field;


2) – The generalrelativity theory formulated by Albert Einstein who, starting from the localequivalent of a non-inertial reference system with a gravitational field, wasable to generate the general principle of relativity, which states that allsystems of reference are, in principle, equivalent between them (no matter theform of motion, rectilinear and uniform or accelerated). By which he meant thatan event in a reference system must be seen as an event in all other referencesystems (accelerated or not), it remains this way (namely an event) even ifseen in a diverse form. (We have the example of the light which stays as alight beam, even if it has a shift towards a red or blue, colour depending onlyon how we move the observer).


(Furthermore,the equivalence principle says that an event (phenomenon) that can be carriedout in a non-inertial reference system takes place in an inertial referencesystem located in a gravitational field (ex. the Earth).


In order to better understandmy reasoning, imagine an "U" Universe where there are only twoobservers - the "A" Observer placed in a box, equipped with various devices for testing andobservation, together with an electric field (electrical charge jointly withfloor box), and in another box the "B" observer with the sameexperimentation and observation apparatus, situated at a considerable distancefrom one another. The two observers communicate between them using two devices,which don’t influence the experiment.

Initially, thesetwo observers with their boxes, are at rest to one another.

By communicating between one and the other, they will have:

- Observer A to B: I observe (I detect)only an electric field in this universe.

- Observer B to A: I also observe onlyan electric field in this universe.

Consequently, the two observe only a single phenomenon in the whole universe -an electric field. Without a light source, they will not be able to see betweenthem.




At a certain point, the box ofthe A observer begins to move with a constant acceleration towards the Bobserver (how, it moves it doesn’t matter) (fig.1).


Observer "A" located inour box, feels a force (acceleration) directed "down" through thelegs and if he lets different bodies from different masses to drop, observesthat all bodies "fall down", all touching the floor box at the sametime, no matter composite matter or physical state of the bodies in question,as Galileo concluded that happens in the gravitational field.


After a while (let’s say tenseconds from the accelerated movement of box), the change of informationbetween the two will be: -1).

- Observer B to A: - I don’t know whatyou see, but for me things have changed and now I observe an electromagneticfield with accelerated source.

- Observer A to B: - And for me thingshave changed. Someone introduced me entirely with the box and electricalcharge, in a field of acceleration. For this field of acceleration, I have twoexplanations:

-1). – The box in which I am (along with testing and observation appliances andelectric field) is accelerated;

-2). -- I was introduced within the box in a gravity field.

The principle of equivalence says that I can’t make a distinction between thesetwo cases (1 and 2). - Observer B to A:- If things are for you this way, it means that in order to explain theappearance of electromagnetic field with the accelerated source, the principleof equivalence makes


that Ialso have two equivalent cases:





-1’). –The case in which your box is accelerated, a normal case (if an electric fieldis accelerated, it will radiate an electromagnetic field with the acceleratedsource);

- 2’). – The case in which you (box and electric field) have beenintroduced within a gravity field, a very interesting case. If you (togetherwith the box and electric field) have been introduced within a gravity field,and I observe (I detect) the appearance of the electromagnetic field with theaccelerated source, it means that this new field that I see, is actually theresult of interactions between the electric field with the gravitational field.Therefore, I can say that an combined field of gravity with an electric fieldgenerates an electromagnetic field with the accelerated source. This means:



gravitational field + electric field =electromagnetic field with the accelerated source,


or: (I.1)


electromagnetic field with the acceleratedsource = gravitational field + electric field,


This represents " TheUnification (Connection) Theory of the electromagnetic field with thegravitational field (U.T.E.F.G.), that can expressed like this:



When introducing an electric field in a gravitational field(acceleration field), an electromagnetic field with accelerated source always appears




There is no method to distinguish between an electric fieldcombined with a gravitational field (electro-gravitational field) and anelectromagnetic field withaccelerated source.


[One can say that the electro-gravitationalfield and electromagnetic field with accelerating source, are complementary -once you are inside of the electro - gravitational field a manifestation in a single strength isobserved (i.e.split), and when you are outside you notice another way of the manifestation ofthe unique force. These events have a dual character, cannot be seen any timeat the same time - the photon example].


This explains why under specific circumstances, gravitational fieldequations have almost the same form as those of the electromagnetic field. Thetwo fields are different manifestations of the same single field.


Considering from acceleration ”a”, variation of the speed (Dv) tends to zero but never reacheszero and the variation of time (Dt) tends to infinity, for a short period the speed can beconsidered constant (and a =0) and U.T.E.F.G. changes into "E = vB “, thisis Maxwell’s theory. This means thatMaxwell's field theory is a special case of unification theory.


Mach claims that theacceleration "felt” by a body is due to the gravitational attraction exertedby all masses in the Universe on that body. That means that gravity"generates" acceleration - acceleration doesn’t exist withoutgravity. So the two cases (1 and 2) get down to one. Therefore, the caseconnected to gravity is the real case.


But, given the fact that there is equality, the terms on the left shoulddescribe the same thing as the right terms of the equality. So, to say that anassembly of gravity field with an electric field generates an electromagneticfield with accelerated source, is the same thing as admitting that you can’tmake a distinction between combination of gravity field with an electric field(I named it electro-gravitational field) and (towards) an electromagnetic fieldwith the accelerated source. Therefore the two fields are equivalent.


We can also se that anobserver, who sees from the left side of the equality member (gravity field +electric field) doesn’t see from the right side of the equality(electromagnetic field with accelerated source).




To better understandthat which is stated above, it is necessary to undertake another mentalexperiment:

We take a disklarge enough to bear an X observer, who is anchored to said disk. Thisdisk is equally divided in two colours - yellow and blue. Suspended somewhereabove the disk, there is another Y observer, that sees the disk and the colourson it, but it doesn’t see the X observer.

Initially,the two observations will be:

- observer X to Y - I see a disk divided in two colors, yellow and blue;

- observer X to Y - I see a disk divided in two colors, yellow and blue, whichmeans seeing the same thing, blue + yellow = blue + yellow.

At one point the disk begins to rotate around the imaginary centre, and the twoobservations will be:

- observer X to Y - I see a disk divided in two colors, which I could seeinitially, but there has also appeared a field of acceleration, which I canfeel;

- observer X to Y - I see a coloured disk in a single color - green. I thinkthat I actually see the result of interactions between the field ofacceleration and the two colours. This means that equality has changed and nowwe have blue + yellow (which we initially noticed) + field of acceleration(which you feel) = (generates) green (which I see).


Thus, the two say that blue+ yellow + field of acceleration (mixture) generates green, but notice that onecan say yellow + blue + field of acceleration (mixture) is equivalent to green.The two see the same thing but describe it differently (the same phenomenondescribed in two different ways). The same goes for us. We have two differentways of description of an electrical load located in an acceleration field (electricalload accelerated). On the one hand we describe an accelerated electrical load,and on the other hand, describe an electromagnetic field (which is actually theresult of accelerated electrical loads). This is our relative interpretation;in fact the two descriptions refer to the same phenomenon.



T.R.R. tells us that space generates time.

T.G.R. says that a gravitational field is equivalent to a field ofacceleration, but in the same time the theory says that field of accelerationgenerates a gravitational field and the gravitational field generatesacceleration.

U.T.E.F.G.says electrical charge in a gravity field generates an electromagnetic field,but it also shows that the assembly of gravitational field with an electricfield generates electromagnetic field with the accelerated source.


Since the equivalence between a field of acceleration and agravitational field is local, this character is transmitted and U.T.E.F.G.
























The sameresult (see I.1) can be reached with another experiment, as it follows:


A non-inertial reference system is locally equivalent to aninertial reference system located in a gravitational field. This isEinstein's equivalence principle which, placing on an equal footing thetwo reference systems (inertial and non-inertial) tells us that there is noexperiment helping us to distinguish between them and that anyevent which can be observed in a part, will be observed in the other part aswell (example of the curvature of light ray from fig.2, observed by bothobservers, "A" and "B").



















We take again the box thatEinstein used in his examples, including the “A” observer and his apparatus ofobservation, far away from any type of influences. Outside of the box there isa stationary electric field (with its own reference system), as in fig. 3.



When the box is at rest towards electrical field, the “A”observer will realize only the presence of an electric field.


We will begin to movethe box in accelerated way (“up") towards the reference system of theelectrical field. Our observer from the box will have no way of knowing that itmoves in an accelerated manner.


By gradually replacingthe acceleration field with a gravitational field hi will not realize thischange (not making any distinction between an acceleration field and agravitational field) and hi will draw the following conclusion:


-when someoneintroduces me and integer my box to a gravitational field, the electrical fieldthat I observe, disappears and in its place an electromagnetic field withaccelerated source appears. So, gravitational field + electrical field =electromagnetic field with accelerated source, that is what we obtained earlier(see I.1).










This second experimentshows that the local equivalence existence makes that the “A” observer to “see”the same phenomena and when the acceleration field is gradually replaced by agravitational field. If he could observe any slight change in the substitutionof the two fields, then it could be possible to make a distinction between anacceleration field and gravitational field, what is in contradiction with theprinciple of local equivalence.




U.T.E.F.G. is onetheory, which has visible effects only at cosmically level, it can explain whyapparently some stars appear to be moving with a higher speed than the onecalculated by Hubble's law (that means a shift of stellar light to the redlight spectrum), but it also can explain and the shift of stellar light to theblue part of lights spectrum (aspect still remained unclear explained).




To explain the above -mentioned phenomenon, we take the example of two identically constructed boxes,but which have (as a value) different rates of accelerations, as in fig.4.









We introduce an electric field in box no. 1,which has inside “A” observer, and willdraw the following conclusions:


- if a1<a2, box no. 1has one acceleration towards number 2box about ( a1 – a2 ), that is an negativeacceleration and therefore “B” observer will note the presence of anelectromagnetic field having a source with negative acceleration (namely thesource is approaching ), which means that the source field is a shift to blue;


- if a1>a2, box no. 1has one acceleration towards number 2box about ( a1 – a2 ), that is a positiveacceleration and therefore “B” observer will note the presence of anelectromagnetic field having a source with positive acceleration (namely thesource gets away ), which means that the source field is a shift to red;


- if a1=a2, box no. 1has one acceleration towards number 2box about ( a1 – a2 ), that is null acceleration andtherefore “B” observer will note the same things like “A” observer, this meansgravitational field + electrical field = electromagnetic field with zeroaccelerated source (namely multiplied by zero ), resulting that it sees onlygravitational field + electrical field; ( how boxes have the same speed and thesame direction, it is as if the two observers were be in the same box, andtherefore they see the same thing).


As an accelerated referencesystem is locally equivalent with a gravitational field, our examples mentionedabove can approximate with two gravitational fields of different value ofintensities - see different accelerations of the two boxes fig.5.





The box with "B"observer inside may be considered that is Earth whit our astronomers, and wehave:


- if a1 < a2 (that is g1 < g2), terrestrial gravitationalfield intensity is greater than the source of the electromagnetic field and sowe see the shift to blue;


- if a1 > a2 (that is g1 > g2), terrestrial gravitationalfield intensity is smaller than the source of the electromagnetic field and sowe see the shift to red;


- if a1 = a2 (that is g1 = g2), terrestrial gravitationalfield intensity is equal to the source of the electromagnetic field and so wesee two separate fields – electrical and gravitational.


Thisexplains why we have few sources with shift lights (electromagnetic fieldshift) to blue (gravitational field intensity of the source is lower thanterrestrial gravitational field intensity) and more sources with a lights shiftto red (that is a gravitational field intensity higher than terrestrial).


U.T.E.F.G. not onlygives us this beautiful explanation (demonstration), but it also represents, asone can see the mathematical part, the connection between Theories of generalrelativity (so-called relativistic classical mechanics) and quantum mechanics. Thisconnection gives us a very interesting vision of the quantum world.


U.T.E.F.G. alsoexplains very well the wave - particle duality, by actually link the electron(which has rest mass), with the photon (which has not rest mass).




In conclusion, one can saythat from the assertion from two different observers (one in the gravity fieldand other outside influence), is inferred, that the electromagnetic field has arelative existence. The electromagnetic field and the electro-gravity are actuallytwo different aspects of a single force. These two manifestations of thisunique force have a dual and complementary character at the same time, theycan’t be observed simultaneously. This theory succeeds in unifying the gravityfield with the electromagnetic and it has the confirmation of the shift towardsred or blue of the stellar lights, and unifies the mechanical generalizedrelativity with quantum mechanics.



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