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Lemur, fair enough. Another thread maybe.


Doc Josh. The thing that will hold them back are their "Brothers". While there is a lot of talk about solidarity against the infidel and the like, each and every one of the nations that provide any comfort to terrorists will fall over themselves to tell you about a possible nuke threat. For all the talk it is quite well realised that if a nuke goes off all bets will be off. If an American city takes the brunt there is nothing the Americans won't do to avenge the act, and the ROW will not even try to stop them. This goes for every Western nation. Any nation with connection to the terrorists will cease to exist in short order and the various politicians know this. They will rat on the terrorists just to ensure their own survival.


Also note that the majority of attacks are on Muslims in marketplaces and Mosques and the governments of Muslim nations don't want a nuke going off in their nation either.

What makes you think that terrorists don't make anyone who isn't with them against them and thus not mind incurring nuclear attacks on governments that would "rat them out?" They would just have to take a strategy of leaking information that suggests that those governments are concealing information about them. Then, what could those governments do except deny that the leak was legit - but who believes it when a government source denies a leak?

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