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New problems surface with Canadian Oil Sands


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Hello, first post here. For anyone who knows anything about the Canadian Oil Sands, this shouldn't come as a surprise. For years now the Oil Sands have earned the moniker "dirty oil", meaning that fossil fuels (read: natural gas) needs to be burned in order to separate the oil from the sand in order for it to be refined into gasoline. This article explains how the increase in natural gas "fracking" has caused the oil sands to be even more harmful to the environment. Anyone concerned about climate change should be interested in how this development could impact the environment:



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We are oil dependent , it takes oil to move the sand, it takes oil to refine the oil, it takes oil to transport the oil for refining, it takes oil to transport the oil for sale etc, etc, etc, oil is a neccessarry evil and as it becomes more difficult to access it as the "easy oil" stores run out the more energy it is going to take to keep this planet humming.


As it stands now without oil we would not be able to feed ourselves, people in western countries would starve to death and virtually everything would shut down, We may not like it but if you look around even the most earth conscious among us are responsible for the consumption of a significant amount of oil.

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  • 2 months later...

We are oil dependent , it takes oil to move the sand, it takes oil to refine the oil, it takes oil to transport the oil for refining, it takes oil to transport the oil for sale etc, etc, etc, oil is a neccessarry evil and as it becomes more difficult to access it as the "easy oil" stores run out the more energy it is going to take to keep this planet humming.


As it stands now without oil we would not be able to feed ourselves, people in western countries would starve to death and virtually everything would shut down, We may not like it but if you look around even the most earth conscious among us are responsible for the consumption of a significant amount of oil.


What a wonderful product. Not only does oil vastly improve nearly every aspect of my life, but the product is used to as a means to deliver the product to me. Gasoline runs my car, boat, and motorcycles. I have used propane to heat my home. I have a propane grill and barbeque that produce delicious food. I cant imagine a world without oil.


I just hope that when they expand the keystone pipeline they use a big enough diameter pipe.

Edited by waitforufo
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  • 1 month later...

We are oil dependent , it takes oil to move the sand, it takes oil to refine the oil, it takes oil to transport the oil for refining, it takes oil to transport the oil for sale etc, etc, etc, oil is a neccessarry evil and as it becomes more difficult to access it as the "easy oil" stores run out the more energy it is going to take to keep this planet humming.


As it stands now without oil we would not be able to feed ourselves, people in western countries would starve to death and virtually everything would shut down, We may not like it but if you look around even the most earth conscious among us are responsible for the consumption of a significant amount of oil.


But eventually it will run out. It makes no sense to subsidize and put resources into a product that has such negative effects on our health and the environment when we can just as easily be putting our money into the development and implementation of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. This pipeline is utter stupidity.

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