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How is human cloning going to affect us?

Guest lilbabynushi

Should human cloning be accepted?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should human cloning be accepted?

    • Yes.It's a significant step towards scientific progress
    • No.It's against all laws of nature
    • Can't say

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Guest lilbabynushi

Controversies go on without a final say as to whether or not cloning should be allowed. I think that it's morally incorrect and to fool around with nature is one day going to lead to a catastrophe .But how will it affect us? Are we going to be intimidated by our superior clones?Are they going to distort the human mind to such extent that crazy ideas will lead us to do unimaginably horrid things?




Please send in your opinions.What do u think about all this?How do u think it will affect us?Positive or negative effects?



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A good question, but there are a lot of shades of grey to consider.


For instance, are you proposing that any human cloning should not be accepted at all, or is vital research into tissue reproduction for medical reasons going to be allowed?


What is the moral basis for deciding either way? Applying one set of moral beliefs from one culture to practices conducted in a different culture is generally not recommended. Who gets to decide whether different forms of cloning are 'right' or 'wrong'?

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Guest lilbabynushi

Okay let's look at it this way.Cloning can cause genetic problems ,diseases,and mutations.Look at Dolly,the cloned sheep.She's been diagnosed with arthritis.I'm not saying that it HAS TO BE because of cloning.But some scientists do believe so.


If we use stem cells to regrow damaged organs ..it's okay.In fact..nothing like it..but why reproduce an identical human being?What purpose does that serve in practical terms?It's a waste of resources.Science has helped create robots and high tech machines to do great work so why do u need cloned people?Cloning is good when it serves a meaningful purpose.I definitely agree with stem cell research and regrowth of organs because such work is going to be a medical breakthrough.I mean we can then cure diabetes and so many other diseases..maybe even arthritis..a disease that so many people have contracted.


But cloned humans have no use at all.Think about it.Some research has also shown that their life is short.The people who have been cloned....their lives get short too.Science should not be bent upon increasing unecessary risks to civilization.I don't mean to be ignorant.I'm not saying this because of some religious purposes..it's just a matter to resourcefulnessand logic. Scientists have all the rights to expand the horizons of knowledge but if it hurts life..it's not worth it.



I would appreciate all feedback.Feel free to send in a private message too. My email add is naughty_anushka@yahoo.co.in

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I don't know of any robot or high-tech machine that can do what people do, clones or otherwise.


Unless you consider chess supercomputers, but in that case I think a human playing against their clone would be scientifically far more rewarding than Kasparov Vs Deep Blue Mk 36.

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Originally posted by Aardvark

Watching a clone play chess would be like watching twins play chess. Of no particular interest. Super computers and the possibility of AI is interesting.

It would not be like watching twins play chess exactly.


It would be an opportunity to study environmental and social factors affecting development of genetically identical entities without the interference of those pesky drifts and twin-do-better syndrome.

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Alright, it wouldnt be exactly like watching twins, but for all practical purposes it would be like watchiing twins who had been seperated and raised in different environments.


Of some interest, but not overwhelming scientific importance. Cloning needs some more arguments in its favour to persuade people.

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