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What is consciousness?


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What about the idea of a group consciousness.


like the difference between one person clapping and the sound of a whole stadium clapping.


there is a group entity or dynamic there.


and what about the subconscious, the part of you that controls your actions and you are unaware of, the place where your phobias live.


and to throw one more iron into the fire, has anyone ever postulated the concept of a group subconscious.


prize to the person who can figure out where that is expressed.


Tx reverse.

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Boxhead WTF??? I don`t get it man?




Spend an afternoon imagining you[/b'] are in your hand, not your head and you'll see what reverse is getting at.
are you off your rocker? or serious?

and IF you`re serious, how does one go about accomplishing this?

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Guest dave22

Why are you making such a big deal out of consciousness?

Why can't you accept that it's just something that happens in this universe?

If matter is brought together in a certain way, a consciousness forms.


I'm not trying to state what is wrong or right, but I think it silly to claim that to explain consciousness, you need souls, philosophy or Jesus.

Consciousness is just as natural part of the Universe as planets and EM radiation. Further yet, it is probable that all kind of matter hold some form of consciousness, even though the different states of awareness could be extremely low, perhaps just one.


The big problem here is that because a human explains the world around him/her through their consciousness, explaining the consciousness is impossible. You can't explain a phenomena through which you are explaining.

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Why are you making such a big deal out of consciousness?

Why can't you accept that it's just something that happens in this universe?


Because this is a science forum. Not a religous or philosophy forum. Science attempts to explain the universe, and our conciousness happens to be a part of that universe. Its just something someone wanted to discuss.

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  • 1 month later...

There is a chemical answer to this question. One has to look at intellectual development of an individual; not on knowledge development or social development.

If you try to answer - what is the operational basis of human intellect?, you will get an answer on consciousness

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Ask a different question. In what terms would you say that consciousness can be explained and described? Imagine a complete solution in terms of physics, mathematics, philosophy etc. Now this explanation can be understood by a conscious mind. So consciousness would be explaining itself to itself therefore would not be explaining anything, because any explanation would do as long as it looks nice aesthetically. I mean a real explanation would have to come from a mind that is operating outside consciousness or an ALIEN mind that would be looking down on our mind as a machine. We will never know consciousness because we are consciousness, we would have to get out of our own minds.

To understand consciousness as you guys suppose there must first be consciousness and this is the flaw of it all.

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consciousness is very simple we as people pcik up information from our sensesgiving us stilumation making us active this stimulation stimulates our brain where we comprehend the information acording to our own memory and other stiluation in our body this is consciusness its perseption from our body and understanding of our brain. we understand things because of our brain which makes us think and react and collect info and our body gives us info and is what we act through yuo only know who yuo are by the info yuo pick up about yuor slef.

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Is self awareness really necessary? Given an infinite Universe there will be infinite monkeys banging on typewriters but also infinite primates (us) doing just what we are doing simply because it is possible. Now if this is one of those infinite Earths that is identical to this one and has only one self aware primate then I'm sorry to tell you that it is me and not you. :D

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How do i know that i am me? How do you know you are you? Why and how am i aware of my surroudings? I DO NOT want the typical christian response of, "Because that is the way God intended things to be." This is not a valid response in my opinion. Is there some kind of chemical explanation for awareness? Does it have to do with having a "soul" (for lack of a better term). If so where does that come from?


There isn't a purely chemical explanation, per se, but as self-aware animals, humans and other intelligent animals have the power to know oneself and have identity. It is one of the things that make us so sucessful, and it is also useful in our ubiquitus complex social structures.

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  • 1 month later...

Consciousness is simply the subjective experience of synaptic algorithms in the brain. We humans are simply sophisticated computer programs or Turing machines, and consciousness was very advantageous for reproductive success.


Some book: "The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach," by Christof Koch: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974707708/ref=pd_sim_b_5/104-6764300-9144707?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance


"What Is Thought?" By Eric B. Baum, 2004: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0262025485/qid%3D1102458197/sr%3D2-1/ref%3Dpd%5Fka%5Fb%5F2%5F1/104-6764300-9144707

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Consciousness is simply the subjective experience of synaptic algorithms in the brain.

It looks to me as if you have simply substituted the term "consiousness" with the term "subjective experience" (i.e. part of its meaning), which doesn't really explain anything.

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