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Thisis a product designed by Inventions Designs & Concepts.


But first a message.


Backin the '1980' I dreamed of building a device now known as "FREEENERGY" while living in the dark in the "JVL Hood" as a Child. I seen thatmy design was too advance but I could not read or write and could not hear aswell as others. So now all the parts arehere. I present:


Design by Inventions Designs & Concepts







Look at this Design. (A) is a device I would like to call a"Lung" or "Hart" it pumps in and out if needed. The thingis that I never heard of such a device and recently found a company the produce"Carbonate Tubing". When it is hit with an electrical charge itcontracts. So when the H30 in my device makes too much Hydrogen a spark willignite in the "Lung/Hart" expanding it (I wanted to use just rubber).When the pressure behind the flow valve drops this process will happen in the"Hart/Lung", after the Hydrogen Gas is ignited the expansion willtake place and a electrical charge will cause the Hart/Lung to press all theextra pressure out through the port leading the liquid H30 into the pumps. therestrictors will cause pressure and power for the turbines witch power theelectric generator. If ever the 7 factors fail on parts (E, F) centripetalforce, centrifuge gravity, velocity, spinning inertia, pressure, hydrogen, negvacuum, the process will fail.




The liquid in (L) isH30, we need the Hydrogen to help makeand small explosion in (A) . Why? The Pump (B) may need a little more helpkicking on under this much pressure, If the switch is turned on pump (B) would have an amp draw and drain much more power than Pump (D,C) is creating to run it's self's.




The trick is to get gravity to let go of the mass of themoving parts. This violates "laws" and it creates a chain reaction too tap intothe 5 other Quarks. The first Law was (UP=inertia ). The law states that massget's pulled by gravity at all time. The 'spin-1/2' is now being directly tapedinto. Now we make this law go 'up' when it should bepull the mass 'down'


The (DOWN=Velocity) law is broke when speed is contained inone direction and being hooked around it's self. . It only count's for a small portion of the process. Now with velocity you can changedirection down to up while on axes.


The(TOP=centripetal Force) this law becomeslike the vacuum of space when mass withno Gravity is spinning freely. It hasnothing to lay agents so that violatesanother law when it comes to Quarks. When the Top has no Top in the forcescreating gravity, centripetal forces with no boundaries are involve. Why.Because where ever the top is , It's constantly changing. (Just add somethingthat can rip a magnetic currents to open the sub particles mad by the sunneutrinos) You can see this action when you look at a wheel spinning and youthink it's going backwards when it's going in one direction.


In section (A) you see the Law of Pressure being Broken outside a living organisms body. (Bottom=Pressure) this law is broke usingHydrogen and Carbon nana tube as a Lungand Hart combo. The Hydrogen in the H30helps it to never Bottom out. The gases atoms has no bottom when they areignited into a explosion.




Pump (D,C) (STRING=H30) will create power when the out letare restricted. The stored energy in these two pumps last up to 4 sec afterpower is cut, we multiply that power using centripetal force, gravity, velocity,spinning inertia, pressure, hydrogen, neg vacuum, This can have and effect thatwould keep the device going if we had some place to keep all the energy wastedthrough the time space continual, That's what (A) is for . This Lung/Hart will help keep it going if amp supply if it is not efferent enough.


(CHARMED =electrical and Hydrogen configuration) of the device.We see power creation of power form stored power/energy then multiply it whenit is pumped back in to the electrical system that created it.


quarks spin-1/2




2(UP=inertia ).


3(TOP=centripetal Force)






6(CHARMED =electrical and Hydrogen configuration)


See photo of device @










Parts (K,H) are electric generators that can power a house if ran together. Thepower these two devices make comes from centripetal force, gravity, velocity,spinning inertia, pressure, hydrogen, neg vacuum. The power can be used andstored at the same time. The stored centrifuge energy is multiplied then used bykeeping the H30 in a chamber that expands and contracts. It can always be usedand reused all year round.




The stored centrifuge energy, HOW?


Rain may fall but when Force is added it becomes (RxF=) gravityis be replace at a certain point, blocked by the force and has little power on controllingit. So what if you could control the (RxF=) and turn it up a notch with alittle electric? The electric will multiply the (RxF+M=Free Energy) It will be like a robot hitting a ball agents awall, the faster it comes back theharder the robot will hit it. ''Under control every time''. It would havesensors to tell it when to ease off. It will have a reflex device to absorbedthe energy when the ball come back, That ball return velocity will cause the robot to make contact and force the uppertorso 2be force back wilding up the robot motor that powers it's generator.When the robot is forced so far back theripcord action will hit a reversingpoint, Causing the robot to use that stored energy to send the ball back, Ittakes in energy from one direction and sends it back in the otherdirection.



Support my programs and product and i will save you all.

Tyrone Austin





Inventions Designs & Concepts.

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