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The Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.


'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'



'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.'


The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is, a jet. Analogous to the polar jet of a black hole.


The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet:




The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.


The following is an image analogous of the Universe, or the local Universe, we exist in:




Dark energy is the change in state of the aether emitted into and propagating through the Universal jet.


It's not the Big Bang. It's the Big Ongoing.


I'm going to give the guy kudos for an idea about the universe i had never heard of before and that has a certain.... elegance to it, I'd like to read about any predictions his idea might make that would be measurable and unique to his hypotheses. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

I'm going to give the guy kudos for an idea about the universe i had never heard of before and that has a certain.... elegance to it, I'd like to read about any predictions his idea might make that would be measurable and unique to his hypotheses. :unsure:


What is presently postulated as dark matter is aether. There is no such thing as dark matter traveling with matter. Matter moves with respect to the state of the aether.


'Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies'



"We compile a sample of 38 galaxy clusters which have both X-ray and strong lensing observations, and study for each cluster the projected offset between the dominant component of baryonic matter centre (measured by X-rays) and the gravitational centre (measured by strong lensing). Among the total sample, 45 per cent clusters have offsets >10 arcsec. The >10 arcsec separations are significant, considering the arcsecond precision in the measurement of the lensing/X-ray centres. This suggests that it might be a common phenomenon in unrelaxed galaxy clusters that gravitational field is separated spatially from the dominant component of baryonic matter. It also has consequences for lensing models of unrelaxed clusters since the gas mass distribution may differ from the dark matter distribution and give perturbations to the modelling. Such offsets can be used as a statistical tool for comparison with the results of Lambda cold dark matter ( CDM) simulations and to test the modified dynamics."


The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving with respect to the state of the aether.


'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'



'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.'


The offset for the galaxy clusters in the latter article will be determined to be in the direction the galaxy clusters are moving.


The analogy is a ball in a stream. The ball moves with the stream. However, the ball moves slower than the water in the stream. The center of the water displaced by the ball is downstream from the center of the ball.


I think this result would be unexpected as the gravitational center of the galaxy clusters in the latter article would be expected to lag behind the center of the galaxy clusters matter with respect to the direction the galaxy clusters are moving.


Galaxy clusters in the same general vicinity and moving in the opposite direction as the galaxy clusters in the latter article will have their gravitational center offset lag behind the galaxy clusters matter in the direction they are moving. The galaxy clusters in the general vicinity of the directionally moving galaxy clusters will have a more random motion. However, all of the offsets will be with respect to the state of the aether.

Edited by mpc755

If it "appears" to be moving directly from our solar system, then maybe it appears to be moving from other similarly displaced systems, just like it would toward a black hole.

Posted (edited)

If it "appears" to be moving directly from our solar system, then maybe it appears to be moving from other similarly displaced systems, just like it would toward a black hole.


That analogy is similar to what is in the article.


"The dark flow is controversial because the distribution of matter in the observed universe cannot account for it. Its existence suggests that some structure beyond the visible universe -- outside our "horizon" -- is pulling on matter in our vicinity."


My take on this is that the matter is moving directionally because it was emitted into the Universal jet. (Let's hold off on discussing the same entity which emitted the matter into the Universal jet could be the same entity the matter eventually winds back at as part of the ongoing process and focus on the emission of the matter into the Universal jet for now)


Aether is emitted into the Universal jet. Where conditions allow, aether condenses into matter.


The experiment I propose would be evidence matter moves with respect to the state of the aether. The gravitational center of the directionally moving galaxy clusters will be in the direction the galaxy clusters are moving. The gravitational center will be out ahead of the direction the galaxy clusters are moving. This is evidence the galaxy clusters are moving with the 'flow' of the aether. Other galaxies in the vicinity of the directionally moving galaxy clusters will not be moving with the galaxy clusters. The direction they are traveling will have been altered by their interaction with other galaxies. There will not be the same level of directionality to these galaxies. However, the offset will still be with respect to the state of the aether.


I already mentioned the ball flowing downstream as an analogy for the directionally moving galaxy clusters. For the other galaxies the analogy is a boat moving upstream or across the stream. Since the aether is, or behaves similar to, a frictionless superfluid with properties of a solid, this motion is possible without the galaxies slowing down.


The ball flowing downstream displaces the water. The ball is not moving as fast as the water it exists in. The center of the displaced water is downstream of the center of the ball. The boat moving upstream displaces the water. The center of the displaced water is downstream of the center of the boat. For boats which are moving at the same rate as the water the center of the boat is the center of the displaced water. Only those boats which are moving downstream faster than the flow of the water will have the center of the displaced water upstream of the center of the boat. All of the boats are moving with respect to the state of the water. The state of which can be determined by the collective offsets of the boats. All of the galaxy clusters are moving with respect to the state of the aether. The state of which can be determined by the collective offsets of the galaxy clusters.

Edited by mpc755

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