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Can a number (quantity) have unique properties?


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Can a number (quantity) have unique properties?


I think of numbers and physical QUANTITIES as entirely different. Quantities are not numbers but actual amounts---like an amount of mass, or an amount of volume, or amount of speed, or electric charge, or force.


How about you? Do you think a physical quantity is the same thing as a number, or different? what number do you associate with the charge on the electron?

what number do you associate with your lung-capacity, or with the mass of an electron?


the number you associate is probably irrelevant. what matters is the amount itself



assuming number and quantity are very different (connected only where you introduce a standardized unit)

then you have asked two questions.


1. Can a quantity have unique and special properties? Yes, the speed of light is an amount of speed which has unique special properties.


2. Can a number have special properties? Answer: yes, for example the number pi has special properties.


for that matter the number one has unique properties---it is the only number whose square is equal to itself

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