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A weird question


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I'm just wondering if a hermaphrodite, with functioning testicles and ovaries, impregnate herself and give birth. Is it anyway possible? Should she just being cloning herself?

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I'm no biologist, so as to whether it is actually physically possible is beyond me. However, could this type of reproduction be classed as Asexual?


Although the product of this reproduction would be genetically identical to the parent, various influences such as genetic mutation, may alter the genes slightly, resulting in a 'fractionally different' being to the parent. This would set asexual reproduction and cloning apart.



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There are of course a number of naturally hermaphroditic animals, but very, very few will self-fertilise. Plants can self-pollinate, but so far as I am aware this is the only known vertebrate that can self-fertilize. I'm not sure about other types of animals though.

I understand that earthworms can self-inseminate. I think you're right about vertebrates all differentiating. Humans that are identified as hermaphroditic or intersexed cannot have both ovaries and testes, as I understand it.

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