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GR -- dumb matter in motion dwells in static space-time ("fixed fabric")


GR, ignoring the uncertainties, inherent in matter, according to QM, models matter & spacetime as a single, static 'fixed fabric', spanning all space, and all time:


Just as we envision all of space as really being 'out there', as really existing, we should also envision all of time as really being 'out there', as really existing, too. Past, present, & future certainly appear to be distinct entities. But, as Einstein once said, "for we convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, & future is only an illusion, however persistent". The only thing that's real is the whole of spacetime (Greene. Fabric of the Cosmos, p.139).




QM -- compounding possibilities, extrapolated forward into the future, yield a Many-Worlds-scale, ultra-multi-faceted, possibility tree


According to QM, fundamental particles typically exist in a 'ghosted-out phantasmal' state, of being partially present, at many places (or, in many super-posed states), at one time. And so, the quantum 'choices' inherent, in every spacetime event (x,t), mutually compound, clear across all space, and down through all time. The resulting possibility ultra-tree, is a pan-Cosmic "choose-your-own-adventure", of human incomprehensible, Many-Worlds-scale, ultra-multi-faceted-ness.




Q-GR (qualitative) -- "everybody's right"


Every spacetime event (x,t) defines a quantum 'choice', and corresponding Wave Function Collapse. Now, moment by moment, clear across our Cosmos, all the quantum particles, co-generated by the Big Bang, mutually interact, and 'force decisions', mutually bringing about their own WFC's. And, with each WFC, the pan-Cosmic "choose-your-own-adventure", is gradually decided into quantum mechanical definition. With every WFC, the possibility ultra-tree, associated with our spacetime fabric, is progressively 'pruned', with 'the-trunk-plus-every-branch-but-one' jettisoned, and defined out of quantum mechanical existence. Thus, moment by moment, spacetime event by spacetime event, the 'floppy future' of our spacetime fabric is 'squeezed-down-like-dough-under-a-roller', and 'riveted' into Classical definiteness. If so, the pan-Cosmic past is Classically definite, being the sum of all spacetime events where WFC has already occurred; whereas, the pan-Cosmic future is Quantum Mechanically uncertain, being the sum of all spacetime events where various possibilities persist. And, then, the pan-Cosmic present is 'where the action is', being the sum of all spacetime events where quantum decisions are coming to the climax of definition.



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