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explosion dynamics as fractile patterns

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Explosioin dynamics can be seen as fratal patterns through out all of reality and beyond.

A star goes super nova and we see an expansion force that then cools and converts to an implosion force. During the conversion process some of the energy gains angular momentum. Angular momentum resits the implosion force that now has to go around the spinning force. On the surface of this foil their is friction that causes the charge fields to condense and press inward towards the low preasure center of the spinning force. ie. gravity

A black hole is the epicenter of the contraction force, Dark energy would be the reminants of the expansion force and the gas clouds of the residual matter are pressed together by the contraction force moving around them and the resistance field that they have become.

The complete cycle of a super nova explosion might last for millions of years.

The universe itself was a big bang. We see an inflationary period followed by what some call the dark age, followed by star formation. The stars formed out the angular momentum that slows down the contraction.

We see the same pattern in atoms. The strong force is the expansion field and the weak force would constite the contraction. The quantum particles spin and bounce off each other in the cooling process.

The speed of the expansion and contraction determine the fractile size and scale.

The ratio of expansion, contraction, and spin determine the fine structure constant wich should be the same in every fractal pattern. Every fractal pattern is it's own dimension of time and space.

Edited by 36grit
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I was a bit worried when I saw the OP couldn't spell fractal; but I completely gave up when I read this

"through out all of reality and beyond. ".



I guess that was a bit much lol

I'll have to go back and edit the spelling I guess.

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I guess that was a bit much lol

I'll have to go back and edit the spelling I guess.


The spelling is the very least of the problems.


You are missing the point. It appears that you have missed a great many points.

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Explosioin dynamics can be seen as fratal patterns through out all of reality and beyond.

A star goes super nova and we see an expansion force that then cools and converts to an implosion force...

You might want to check out the Wikipedia article on "Supernova" to see how your ideas differ from the models currently accepted by the mainstream scientific community:





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