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If anyone can comment on my video Click Here


The video shows my Live Blood under Phase contrast 2000x Oil Immersion. I am new at this, but very sick with Neuro Lyme disease and Babesiosis. I have a Dr. Friend who owns a lab telling me this is Bacteremia and another Dr. who is a Pathologist is telling me this is Brownian Motion. I'm really confused, but I do know that my Lyme titers are positive and that I do have Babesiosis (A RBC Parasite) similar to Malaria and treated the same, only we don't get the crazy High Fevers that would kill you.


Thank you to anyone who can comment on the video.


The direct link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shfUEpQuVug


Gary Engelman, BSN, RN


P.S., please comment on the youtube video page if you will. It will be easier for me to keep track of responses as I am asking for this same help on some other forums.

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