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Should I change my avatar?


Should i change my avatar (explain answer in thread)  

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  1. 1. Should i change my avatar (explain answer in thread)

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firstly, i chose my avatar representing choice.... not drugs!


i was thinking maybe i should change it, however it is a way in which i represent myself, so should i change it and then people might not recognise me, or go for a new look?

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i dunno, its good to get one different from what's offered. Anything you can identify with makes for a good form of expression.

I changed mine mainly b/c a few other people had "the bastard card", plus I was looking to change my look a little, considering the last time I changed mine was a while ago. :)

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well, those few who helped and answered the question properly (thanks for the extra options sayo!) said yes... thats what i thought, however i use avatar a lot as a way of recognising people, its like changing your identity... or does no one else see it that way?

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I personaly look at the Nick rather than the avatar, I`ve seen a few that are the same used by different people too.


do what you like with it, the only reason I have one is beacuse it looks odd if you don`t and I wish to represent nothing other than myself on here, thus a me.pic was the logical choice :)


I think you`ll find that most here couldn`t care less what your avatar is, it`s Trivia.

and concerns about it are only self serving for attention (quite sad really).

stick to what you`ve got, because when Avatars become a Real Issue of chat here, it doesn`t say much for this sites TRUE content and purpose!


"Keep it Real!"

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An avatar that represents what you like and what are your interests is nice (not in all cases though). That's why I took a nuke blast as my pic. :D (I think it's the Trinity test, not sure though)


But as YT said, a nickname is usually the thing to look at. If your nick is something like "R0FLN00B-92^^^" or "Gilded" everyone will think you're some crazy wacko.

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ok i normally associate people by their avatar, dunno why they look nice to me its part of their identity, but seemingly no one else sees it that way.... so i'll look round for a suitable small :( image.


thanks for the replies though.

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It's quite nice to have something which is individual so that people know who you are at a glance. It is also good to have one that sums up your personality if at all possible...


...but then again, it will never be as good as JaKiri's. :(

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I think I may need another avatar soon. The cookie monster one needs a break.

I`ve thought the same about mine too, on grounds of False Representation. I look somewhat older now :(


that pic is a triffle dated to say the least!

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... its a cool picture though! (YT + dave)


dunno, re-looking at mine its quite good, if something suitable comes around i'll seize it! if not lets just stay with the 'choice' (not drugs! see 1st post)

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YT: ok not 'cool' but its a good picture in that its suitable, nice etc


dave: the cookie monster looks really friendly


but then as ive found from this thread, maybe others dont may as much attention to avatars as i have.

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