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Selenium Detection in Yeast by use of Flame AAS

Dr. Suess

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Based on a current project, I need to develop a Specification to determine Total Selenium in yeast by use of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAnalyst 200 Perkin Elmer, Hollow Cathode Lamp). Unfortunately, I can not make use of a microwave digestion. Therefore, I need to develop a method for Se yeast, which contains most of its Se as selenomethionine, by use of HNO3/HCl on a hot surface (water bath). I have to figure out basic conditions, like concentration, ratio, time, temperature, etc. This means any assistance of someone who has experience in a related area would be very helpful. I also need general advice for best AAS handling (Standards, Calibration etc.) regarding Se specific analysis.


Your assistance, hints, clues, tips and suggestions are much appreciated. Mandy



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Straight to the point.


Based on a current project, I need to develop a Specification to determine Total Selenium in yeast by use of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAnalyst 200 Perkin Elmer, Hollow Cathode Lamp). Unfortunately, I can not make use of a microwave digestion. Therefore, I need to develop a method for Se yeast, which contains most of its Se as selenomethionine, by use of HNO3/HCl on a hot surface (water bath). I have to figure out basic conditions, like concentration, ratio, time, temperature, etc. This means any assistance of someone who has experience in a related area would be very helpful. I also need general advice for best AAS handling (Standards, Calibration etc.) regarding Se specific analysis.


Your assistance, hints, clues, tips and suggestions are much appreciated. Mandy


Are you going to want to denature the proteins containing the selenomethionine first? What I'm really asking is, are you going to do all the standard biochemical isolation procedures first, or are you going to try and run AAS on the crude cell samples?


This would obviously depend on if you want to look at total selenium or specifically selenomethionine selenium.

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Hey. Thanks for your replay.


I am going to determine the total Se in yeast samples. Depending on existing specifications, I want to use HNO3/HCl digestion on a hot surface (water bath) over 4 to 8 hours. I purchased the following research today online, which seems quite helpful to get started:


'Evaluation of methods for total selenium determination in yeast' (Vol. 8, No 2, 185-191) by Renard, Tompkins


However, I would appreciate your assistance and general advices regarding the use of FAAS or a more time-saving digestion method.




Are you going to want to denature the proteins containing the selenomethionine first? What I'm really asking is, are you going to do all the standard biochemical isolation procedures first, or are you going to try and run AAS on the crude cell samples?


This would obviously depend on if you want to look at total selenium or specifically selenomethionine selenium.

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