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cell transport proteins, magnesium

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the magnesium ion gets into the cell via the magnesium/ATPase pathway, if we wanted to get magnesium in through another pathway, if we bound magnesium to something say an amino acid, would it be possible for the magnnesium+amino acid compound to get into the cell via the amino acid pathway?

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I think that strategy would not be successfull, because you must ensure that the magnesium is always bound to the aminoacid. Otherwise, it will diffuse to the medium and aill not entre the cell by the aminoacid pathway. :)




the magnesium ion gets into the cell via the magnesium/ATPase pathway, if we wanted to get magnesium in through another pathway, if we bound magnesium to something say an amino acid, would it be possible for the magnnesium+amino acid compound to get into the cell via the amino acid pathway?

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@worldofbiochemistry.....so if we can ensure that the magnesium is stable and bound to the amino acid, then it maybe possible fo the magnesium+amino acid compound to get into the cell via the amino acid pathway? thanks

Edited by kellbrook
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In theory yes, but then how do you release the magnesium from the aminoacid, inside the cell?

Other important issue is that you have to ensure that the transporter will recognize and allow the passage of the new molecule (aminoacid + Magnesium).


@worldofbiochemistry.....so if we can ensure that the magnesium is stable and bound to the amino acid, then it maybe possible fo the magnesium+amino acid compound to get into the cell via the amino acid pathway? thanks

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