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wow I'm hating school about now.


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Well, more specifically I hate waking up at 7am to go to my general microbiology lecture. I also hate doing work in my literature class (requirement). I just want my degree! Four years of college work that I'm never going to apply in my life is old and busted. I enjoyed all my sciences and maths for the most part, but I'll never use 98% of the things I learned. I suppose one could make the argument that they provide a good foundation, but PSHFTHAP!H! !! GIVE ME MY DEGREE.

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I have about 2 years of college courses under my belt. I did very well when I attended, but I quit to go into the family machine shop business. I wasn't learning anything in school that was going to help me in a prototyping machine shop environment.


Over the years, I have taken a course here and a course there, and I have taught myself many things - CAD/CAM programming for example. I have been running the shop since 1981 - after my dad retired my husband and I shared responsibility.


Since my husband died, I have considered closing it and just going to work for someone else so I can have planned vacations and 40 hour work weeks. I have made some inquiries and my lack of a degree is a severe limitation when it comes to salary. I considered going back to school and getting the coveted piece of paper - but it wouldn't be cost effective.


Anyway - I have worked for over 30 years without a degree and never felt the lack of it until now. However, none of us can foresee the future, and having the degree is far better than not having it.


So --- every time you get totally frustrated and think you won't use what you are learning - you may not, but people still want to see the piece of paper that says you had enough perserverance to stick it out.

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Hey blike, you want to trade for a while?


I've got

AP Physics

AP Litterature

AP Phsycology

AP Macroeconomics

AP Calculus


The only one that's bugging me right now is AP Lit because the work isn't hard but takes a long time to do. I wouldn't mind taking a day or two at college for a little change. And you could boost all my grades for me. :D

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well I Freshman werent allowed any AP classes, Im in all honors. Its not bad, but with debate, and other extracurricular activities, plus the homwork that comes with the honors, well things are getting tense!

Im just now settling into school, and its time for report cards!

Geez, someone wanna trade, you be a highschooler, and I'll be a working, active scientist! :)

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Well, more specifically I hate waking up at 7am to go to my general microbiology lecture. I also hate doing work in my literature class (requirement). I just want my degree! Four years of college work that I'm never going to apply in my life is old and busted. I enjoyed all my sciences and maths for the most part, but I'll never use 98% of the things I learned. I suppose one could make the argument that they provide a good foundation, but PSHFTHAP!H! !! GIVE ME MY DEGREE.


What a bunch of freakin' whiners! Bitching about getting up at 7 (or whatever) to go class? I hope you're independently wealthy, because it gets worse when you go out into the real world and get a job. College is easy.


And it sounds like we're talking undergraduate or earlier. Go to grad school a couple of years, and then we'll talk.


And, unless you are going into a completely different field of work, you have no clue as to what you'll need to apply. You may be surprised what comes in handy. But the facts you learn are only part of it. Learning how to learn is huge. And if college doesn't make you appreciate how much you don't know, then you've missed something.

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I'm going through high school thinking "I can quit any moment I want to and tell the teachers to go and f*** themselves". :D No really, I think it's quite fun. And when you consider how just about all schooling in Finland is free, I think it isn't too bright to whine about free schooling. :P

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I hope you're independently wealthy, because it gets worse when you go out into the real world and get a job. College is easy.
Yea, college is real easy if you just float through. I watch kids do it all the time. I've spent the last four years of my life sweating every single little homework assignment, quiz, and test. I've added so many gray hairs to my head, all in the name of medical school. I've had so many classes where missing ONE SINGLE question in it's entirety on an exam means you lose a whole letter grade in the class. That's death for a premedical student. I've made so many sacrifices in my personal and my social life for my school work for four straight years. I've spent countless weekends at the library, the first one in, the last one out. All my friends go out on the weekend, and I spend the majority of my weekend with my nose in the books. For four straight years I've given school everything I have. It's payed off, I got into medical school. But what does medical school mean? Four more years of classes, except this time I'll be have lecture straight from 8-3. Then 2 hours of labs and at least 4 hours of studying. Any social life I did have will be gone, completely. And I can't wait. This is what I've been working for. I'm a senior in college now, and I'm graduating with a 3.8. That's a lot of hard work. College taught me how to learn, you're right. And honestly I think that's one of the most important things it's taught me. There comes a time in a college student's career when he's ready to move on to the next step, and that's where I am. I'm looking back at my college career with pride, and toward my medical career with excitement. Does anyone in this position honestly want to be up at 7 in the morning to go to microbiology lecture, when I'm just a few credit hours away from my degree, I've already secured a seat in medical school, and I've been working hard for four years to be in this position? I realize one day waking up at 7 in the morning will probably be a dream, but I'd like to be able to have just a few mornings to myself before I'll never have one again. It's like climbing a mountain and finally reaching the top, and stopping for a breath of fresh air before you start climbing the next one.


And it sounds like we're talking undergraduate or earlier. Go to grad school a couple of years, and then we'll talk.


It's undergrad.


And, unless you are going into a completely different field of work, you have no clue as to what you'll need to apply.
Well, I start medical school next year, and all they require is a good personality, biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics and insanely good grades. Those are the requirements. My knowledge of early childhood literature will likely not come into play in medical school or in my career. You're right, you'll never know what you need, but I have a good idea.


I'm incredibly greatful to have been able to go to college, but I'm ready to be finished with it right now.

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which? ab or bc?

I'm pretty sure it's ab. I do know it's whichever is the easier of the two. They don't offer the other at my school. My school seems not to care so much for math :-(


Whats AP. are u at uni? if so , then thats quite a wide range of modules your doing.

I'm still in highschool. And AP courses are designed to be comparable to entry-level college courses to give highschool students 1) a challenge and 2) an oppurtunity to test out of those courses in college. The teacher is given a list of what the students are expected to know and they are free to teach it however they want. Then in May, College Board (the same people who make our infamous SAT's) sends out their tests. You can score from 1-5 with 4's and 5's generaly being recognized as passing by most colleges.


Oh, and good luck with finishing the year and med school blike. :D

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