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Does h2o2 in the peroxide produce harmful fumes when frezzing???

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I put some hydrogen peroxide in a container in my kitchen freezer to get more pure h2o2. And without thinking if the gases are harmful :mad: . Someone please tell if the it is ok. :confused:


I imagine it's the hydrogen peroxide fuming. Avoid breathing in the fumes because they'll sting.


thank you. but if I keep it in a closed container will it still be alright the next day to eat the food i had in my freezer?


YT2095 it shouldn`t produce Any fumes at all?



I thought it would fume for some reason, but it didn't and know I know why.

I am new to chemistry and all this test tube thingies and the measurments. I cant wait till I have my first chemistry class next semester. :D


And no I am not making AP. I have so little knowledge in chemistry I would probaly kill myself.


it doesnt fume because there are no possible gases released; hydrogen peroxide is a liquid at room temperature, and freezes at -11 celcius. freezing doesn't cause it to decompose, but heating does, as it will yield diatomic oxygen and water


"but heating does, as it will yield diatomic oxygen and water"


(2)H2O2 -> (2)H2O + O2 ? I always thought heating hydrogen peroxide is something I wouldn't like to do. :P


well, it depends on the concentration. if you have 70% or more and you add a very small amount of any sort of reducing agent, the reducing agent will oxidize and some peroxide will reduce, but the energy released by this will activate the decomposition of the rest of the peroxide

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