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Welcome to Sweden!

The second link leads to a translated page of a Swedish magazine. I personally think it's kind of cool that he was self-educated, and still managed to do what he did.


just to be clear, a lot of the news seems to be passing on the impression that this was a fully working nuclear reactor as in the type that can create a self sustaining reaction. it wasn't


He built an atom-smasher type nuclear reactor. still very cool but nothing to worry about really. I think the term reactor may have come from translation although atom-smashing is a nucelar reaction.


It's quite simple to do what he did (don't let the term nuclear confuse you). All you need to do is get a fissile target, even a rock of uranium ore would be sufficient, and fire some neutrons at it. if you monitor it with the right equipment you can measure the increase in radioactivity caused by the atoms fissioning.


I imagine his set up was something like this from the new stories


the americium from the smoke detectors would have been combined with some beryllium foil to create a neutron source.


infront of this he would have had his fissile target, could have been a shard of depleted uranium although there are more common fissile materials such as thorium he could also have used.


and around the target he had some geiger counters to measure if he was creating any fissions.


Interesting experiment, but one that is done in universities almost everyday.


he's being arrested for illegally possessing a quantity of radioactive materials above the legal limit.


That man really genius because what he did in his kitchen many countries not able to do as nation. Be away of that man he already misuse his kitchen what will be next target for him. ?


That man really genius because what he did in his kitchen many countries not able to do as nation.


what he built is nothing like a nuclear power plant.


thats like saying someone who made sparks in their kitchen with some flint rock made a complete functioning 2GW coal fired power plant.

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