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The west has an oblgiation to stop taking resources from the third world to prop up its own population and profligate consumption level and to stop paying baby bonuses to induce its citizens to have more children than they otherwise would.


But the third world has an equal obligation to cut its fertility down to replacement levels as rapidly as possible or to seek help from and to cooperate with the west in order to facilitate this.


Currently the third world's solution to over population is primarily to allow its excess population to migrate to the west which only makes the inequity between the third world and the west and the west's insatiable demand for resources even greater


Moderator Note

Before we go down a similar path as before, I will note that you have stated that there is an obligation to do things, without explaining why this is so. IOW, it looks a lot like you are expressing an opinion as if it were fact. It is expected that you will defend those positions if challenged.

Do not derail the thread by arguing about this

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