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Good book on how the mind of a child works?

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I'm interested in reading a book about how the mind of a young child develops, and I found this one on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Your-Childs-Growing-Mind-Development/dp/0767916158/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1314986650&sr=1-2


I was wondering if anyone could recommend this book, or some other book that is easily accessible (not a technical book or textbook) that discusses the subject of how a young child (anywhere from 1-10 years) grows, learns, reasons, understands things around him, etc.


I have to admit the description of the above book sounds perfect, but I wanted to ask here anyway.




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I'm interested in reading a book about how the mind of a young child develops, and I found this one on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co...14986650&sr=1-2


I was wondering if anyone could recommend this book, or some other book that is easily accessible (not a technical book or textbook) that discusses the subject of how a young child (anywhere from 1-10 years) grows, learns, reasons, understands things around him, etc.


I have to admit the description of the above book sounds perfect, but I wanted to ask here anyway.




I haven't read this book, but I read a similar book which is pretty helpful for being a dad: http://www.amazon.co.../ref=pd_sim_b_3

Since the book you found has been rated a little higher than the one I read, it seems you should go ahead to get it. Of course, I shouldn't be responsible if you didn't like it after the purchasing.


Edited by thinker_jeff
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I haven't read this book, but I read a similar book which is pretty helpful for being a dad: http://www.amazon.co.../ref=pd_sim_b_3

Since the book you found has been rated a little higher than the one I read, it seems you should go ahead to get it. Of course, I shouldn't be responsible if you didn't like it after the purchasing.



Actually I saw that one too, but I was a little turned off by this part of the review: "It is thick, detailed, and scientific." :) Maybe as a second book it will be good.


As for the rating, the book I mentioned has 5 stars with 14 reviews, your suggestion is 4.5 stars but with 161 reviews!

Edited by John Salerno
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Studying the mind of a child gives a lot of insight on the child's development. There are a lot of books which gives the complete information about the studies made to check the impact of various day to day activities on the child's mind.

Following site can help you in getting information about the development of the mind of a child and the related books.


This site has also mentioned about the study on the immediate impact of fast-paced television on preschoolers' executive function, like attention, working memory, problem solving and delay of gratification. It finds that watching television not only has negative effect on executive function of kids over the long term, but also exercises immediate impact. Hopefully this site would help you.

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