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Efforts in longging life

Guest cdiem

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he seems very confident that tens of milions of people are satisfied with this product, yet the disclaimer is


"All written and oral statements are my true beliefs. There are at this moment not yet medicalclaims. I am basically writing this disclaimer to protect myself from the FDA. Thedevices are for research and experimentation of the buyers. Not to be carried outas treatment on someone else's body."




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Why should it be a spam? Can't we discuss this?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and lays duck eggs, it's reasonable to assume it is a duck. This resonates with all of the methods and manners of a con.

It is interesting that you posted this in Psychiatry/Psychology rather than Anatomy/Physiology or Microbiology/Immunology. Does this mean that you too recognise the concept may be a 'manifestation of neurological disease, psychopathelogical state or related topics'?

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Actually, while I agree that the subject of the original post is a scam, it brings up some interesting psychological points: How would a human mind (assuming no degeneration due to time) react to immortality? Would we be able to take it? Would particular psychopathologies be common in those who are immortal?



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