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i havent posted any serious information here for a few months so ill try to stir the pot a bit with this one.


i had read the other thread on guns and damn was that thing long. i didnt get a chance to add my two cents in it and i was really looking forward to it. anyways, the whole theme seemed to focus on someone presenting a reason for needing a gun or reasons for owning guns. i did notice that the thread on the UN gun... wasnt really what i was looking to discus so i felt starting a new .......... again these are only my ideas.


I have some points that have always stuck with me. Before I start listing them check out my standpoint on guns. I love guns but I don’t own one. I have fired many rifles and hand guns. I have had a blast using them. I never have had a need for using them though. I have witnessed gun violence and crimes committed with guns. I support a ban on guns. I support stricter laws on gun ownership.


After bustin a brain cell, I was able to think of a couple reasons why someone in the US might need a gun.


Hunting for food. Im sure that there are still places in the US where people may need to hunt for food. I have never met someone that depends on hunting for their food source but I can see that happening in places like Alaska and maybe the central US. I don’t think that many people do it though.


Killing a maimed animal. There may be instances where someone may be out in the wilderness and a horse falls and breaks a leg. It is common practice to shoot an animal to “put it out of its misery” in parts of the country where animal hospitals are not easily accessible. This could constitute a need for a gun in certain circumstances. I don’t believe that it warrants legalization on this basis alone.


The only other reason that I see that someone may need a gun, is in the age-old dream that we need guns to defend ourselves from an oppressive government. If things ever reached the point in the US where we felt that we needed to really defend ourselves from the government in order to preserve our way of life, and if society as a whole was in agreement against the government, then I believe that a government as organized, tactful and skilled as this would have taken measures to protect itself from a militia.


I cant seem to find any other reasons that would merit owning guns that aren’t geared towards entertainment. I cannot justify keeping guns legal strictly for recreational purposes. There are many other forms of entertainment available. Pick another one.


I find it hard to believe that we need guns for protection of our property and life. I don’t know that brandishing a weapon during a hot break-in is necessarily going to make matters better.


In the instance where a burglar breaks in to a home and begins to rob, I believe that his intentions are not to physically harm or kill any resident unless provoked. He may be carrying a firearm but that doesn’t mean that he is going to use it regardless of what happens in the house. If a burglar breaks in to a house at night he is doing so because he wants to remain undetected. He means to burglarize, not kill. Had he intended to kill or even confront someone he would not have entered at night. He would have car jacked or turned to robbing a person at gun point which is completely different than home burglaries. So when a resident hears an intruder in his home in the middle of the night, and responds by confronting the burglar with his weapon, he changes the burglars priority from burglarizing to self preservation and of course this can only end bad for someone. Instead of forcing a confrontation, the resident should avoid contact and call the police. The burglar only intends to burglarize, not kill or injure.


More later. I have more ideas but I must return to work now. I will also post why i feel there is a gun problem in the US later.

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