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Palin: more successful from the sideline


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Sarah Palin did the right thing: she chose not to run for president. However, she already announced that she will still be involved in politics in the future (she'll devote herself to God, family and country". And that in the coming weeks she would "co-ordinate strategies to assist in replacing the president, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House". (source: BBC)


Her populist right-wing Tea Party ideas will work far better when she is not in power. Even better, while she has no official position, she has absolutely no responsibilities. From the sideline, you can just shout things, and make it all seem so simple. A good strategy team can come up with interesting one-liners and simplified versions of reality that will enchant some people and enrage others.


In the media, Palin can and will be involved in every political debate, where she can freely talk without even having to keep to the strategy of the Republicans. If she wants to go more extreme than the Republican statements (still opposing the democrats more than the republicans), she can and will.

She will only have to watch out when she directly opposes the Republicans, because she cannot risk alienating her only natural allies.


Being a president is a delicate balancing act trying to keep everybody happy (including the opposition!). Sarah Palin is so far away from the political middle that this is the only choice she has.


This is of course, like anything related to politics, is an opinion. I am sure someone else has a different view.

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Im sorry that all you Europeans have to see her on your TVs as well. Maybe we should just ship her to Denmark our something and let her be the EU's problem :).



We have a few nutjobs that we'd like to ship to America as well... oh, wait, we already did that, and there's 300 million of you now.

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I don't mind her being on telly; it's just that I feel she should be in a show where her skills are matched to the job in hand. The problem is that she keeps getting involved in politics whereas she should be doing something like a cookery show or perhaps target shooting.

Perhaps a cameo role in a few comedy shows (Oh, hang on- she already does that).

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