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Posted (edited)

Further thought experiments on expansion plane theory reveal certain predictions that cannot be ignored if the theory is correct.

If the theory is correct than light is a fluxuation of the positive and negative energy planes. The theory is based on positive energy existing on a plane that is expanding faster than negative energy. (according to the theory, they are acually different "octives" of the same energy).

Since the positive energy plane is faster than the negative energy plane, and light (thus the speed of light), require both energies the positive energy particles that exist without negative energy should be faster than light.

(positive energy is an "octive" lower than gravity).

Therefore one must conclude that if the theory is correct than:


Gravitrons, quarks, and neutrinos should be able to move faster than light.

Evidence of the theory being correct will predict that:

As matter accelerates into a black hole, the protons and electrons will seperate. When the acceleration rate of the electron passes it's infinite plane expansion rate, it will transform into a positron and leave a short gamma ray "echoe" behind.

The black hole jet should be found to contain mostly particles and plasma containing high degrees of a positive charge. Cosmic rays containing mostly quarks and protons. While the event horizon plane, of a black hole will contain "products" formed from high speed electron colllisions and high energy states resulting from electron to positron conversions and collisions. A high energy "cloud" should surround every single medium to large black hole as a result. Small black holes should produce rings of electons expanding outward after feeding while medium black holes should be found to produce rings of neutrinos and/or possibly gravatrons expanding outward.


oops, I ment to post this in the speculations forum, Guess it'll wind up there soon enough. lol

Edited by 36grit

further thoughts on the model:


Gamma ray "echoes" of electron to positron conversions should probably more resemble a cloud like struture of energy rather than a ray, or beam of energy.


Positrons near the event horizon may accelerate into gravitrons. This threshold should produce an exotic particle as of yet undiscovered. This particles wave function may well divide our space time dimenson from others that many believe to exist.

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