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What was Obama's success? Well now you can decide on Foxnews, and one of the options isn't even something that happened when Obama was president. Can you spot it?


What is Obama's biggest accomplishment since taking office?


Death of Bin Laden

Passage of ObamaCare

TARP and other economic programs that some say prevented a second Great Depression

First African-American elected to the presidency

Pulling troops out of Iraq

Ended 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy in military

His two Supreme Court appointments

Clean energy initiatives

Committing military to NATO's operation to oust Qaddafi

Other (post a comment)



Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/10/17/thousand-days-obama-whats-presidents-biggest-accomplishment/#ixzz1b6IP01I4

Posted (edited)

First of all, for being so anti-liberal Moxnews sure are being incredibly generous to president Obama.


- Death of Bin Laden - Highly suspect in it's validity. No body, no concrete story, subsequent and prior events cast major doubt on the official stor(ies).

- Passage of Obamacare - Obama supporters who overwhelmingly supported a no nonsense single-payer system were hornswoggled into government enforcement of mandatory private healthcare.

- TARP - Was signed into law by Bush not Obama and did not prevent the so-called, "second depression." People are continuing to be evicted, default on their mortgages and go bankrupt. Unemployment continues to rise and the welfare state continues to grow.

- First African-American - Can anyone say, Kenyan/Indonesian/American? As if Obama shares his cultural background with 99% of African-Americans. Let's settle for first technically African-American president with discernible African features.

- Pulling troops out of Iraq - Didn't really happen.

- Ended 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy in military - Way to hand the triumph of tons of gay rights activists to one dupe with a suit on.

- His two Supreme Court Appointments - I'll give him that, but I am still not happy about it.

- Clean Energy Initiatives - Where are all the hydro-electric dams and solar power stations? Alaska or China maybe?

- Committing military to NATO's operation to oust Qaddafi - Participating in unprovoked unconstitutional wars on behalf of a treaty organization which is not even charged with the responsibility to launch such actions is not an, "accomplishment," of anything other than rash militarism.

- Other: Watching the most sports games.


Obama/Bush tag team = Supreme Failure of Leadership

Edited by FutureBeast

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