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Posted (edited)

thinking in just mathematical terms I can say:-


u = 1 - 1/3 = +2/3


d = 1/2 - 5/6 = -1/3


u+u+u = +2

u+u+d = +1

u+d+d = 0

d+d+d = -1



I can reverse signs and say:-

-u = -1+1/3 = -2/3

-d = -1/2 +5/6 = +1/3



newtons 3rd law of motion says a force in one direction must be met by an equal and opposite force.A quantum fluctuation (+1-1=0).Conservation of energy says that if this quantum fluctuation disappears another quantum fluctuation must reappear somewhere else so as to conserve the energy,producing a quantum foam.

Going back to newtons 3rd law if a uneven force is applied it must be met by an equal and opposite uneven force,a mirror image.

therefore if a force u = +1f-1/3f = +2/3f it produces -u = -1f+1/3f = -2/3f

and a force d = +1/2f-5/6f = -1/3f it produces -d = -1/2f+5/6f = +1/3



If a force e = -1 then a force p = +1


therefore i can say (u+u+d) + e = 0

and (-u+-u+-d) + p = 0



I am now struggling with the idea of "particles in a box",does anyone have a simpler way of explaining it?

Edited by derek w

If quantum foam consists of very small energy fluctuations between positive and negative,which occur once then disappear but reappear somewhere else,thereby conserving the same energy level.Then an area of dense quantum foam,with a much higher amplitude of oscillation between positive and negative,that oscillates continuously at a high frequency.However i am not saying this is possible or not,but i can state my maths equation as:-

A ratio of amplitude of charge positive to negative:-


u = (+1 -1/3) = sum of amplitude of charge +2/3

d = (-5/6 +1/2) = sum of amplitude of charge -1/3


producing equal and opposite:-


-u = (-1 +1/3) = -2/3

-d = (+5/6 -1/2) = +1/3


(u+u+u) = sum amplitude of charge = +2

(u+u+d) = sum amplitude of charge = +1

(u+d+d) = sum amplitude of charge = 0

(d+d+d) = sum amplitude of charge = -1


e = -1

p = +1


(u+u+d) + e = 0

(-u + -u + -d) + p = 0


thinking in just mathematical terms I can say:-


u = 1 - 1/3 = +2/3


d = 1/2 - 5/6 = -1/3



All the terms that you are adding are arbitrary, are they not? Other than their sum, do they ever appear in an equation? I can just as easily say that 17/27 - 16/27 = -1/3

Posted (edited)

17/27th -16/27th does not equal -1/3rd.


the ratio of numbers I have put in is the only ratio that i can make fit to produce the result that 2 up quarks and 1 down quark would have a positive charge of +1.


any number can be put in as long as its in the ratio 0f:-

+1 : -1/3

-1 : +1/3

+5/6 : -1/3

-5/6 : +1/3

Edited by derek w
Posted (edited)

but your up quark would then be +1 -7/27 = +20/27

your not creating an equal and opposite mirror image using discrete units.


I was using 8 discrete units of 1/6



you were using 23 units of 1/27 for down quark

and you would have to use 36 discrete units of 1/27 (+1 -9/27) for up quark to equal +2/3

Edited by derek w

but your up quark would then be +1 -7/27 = +20/27

your not creating an equal and opposite mirror image using discrete units.


I was using 8 discrete units of 1/6



you were using 23 units of 1/27 for down quark

and you would have to use 36 discrete units of 1/27 (+1 -9/27) for up quark to equal +2/3


No, it would be 7/27 - 16/27 = -9/27 = -1/3


I'm asking where you got your numbers. The only number you use in calculations is the -1/3 and +2/3. Not the numbers that add together to give those values — they never show up. What is their significance?

Posted (edited)

that's the title of my thread "maths equation / does it have meaning"


So far I have tried stringing ideas together namely:-

Newtons third law of motion and particle entanglement and quantum foam


and so far no one has objected but on the other had no one has commented


you asked me what is their significance.If you want to rationalize that quarks and electrons are fundamental particles then they probable do not have significance.

If I want to rationalize that quarks and electrons are not fundamental,then I would start with the above ratio as being significant.

Edited by derek w
Posted (edited)

I am going to study phase shifts in waves,I am wondering if it is possible for the expanding big bang to cause phase shifts of energy waves in the quantum foam on the expanding event horizon,splitting positive side of wave from negative side.



Edited by derek w

the potential energy gap between any 2 points on the phase shifted waves would have a ratio of 8:-

(+8-0) = gap of 8

(+7-1) = gap of 8

(+6-2) = gap of 8

(+5-3) = gap of 8

(+4-4) = gap of 8

(+3-5) = gap of 8

(+2-6) = gap of 8

(+1-7) = gap of 8

(+0-8) = gap of 8



(+3-5) +(+5-5) = potential gap 18 which can produce:- (+6 -2) + (+1-7) +(+1-1)


down quark + photon produces:- up quark + electron + neutrino


the photon had an energy gap of 10 produced by a different phase shift


All the terms that you are adding are arbitrary, are they not? Other than their sum, do they ever appear in an equation? I can just as easily say that 17/27 - 16/27 = -1/3

Don't be silly. Everyone knows that if you don't use the terms "quantum fluctuations", "energy level", "wave function", "uncertainty", "Einstien", "Dark Matter", "Feynman", or "Christmas Tree" then it is not physics.


the potential energy gap between any 2 points on the phase shifted waves would have a ratio of 8:-

(+8-0) = gap of 8

(+7-1) = gap of 8

(+6-2) = gap of 8

(+5-3) = gap of 8

(+4-4) = gap of 8

(+3-5) = gap of 8

(+2-6) = gap of 8

(+1-7) = gap of 8

(+0-8) = gap of 8



(+3-5) +(+5-5) = potential gap 18 which can produce:- (+6 -2) + (+1-7) +(+1-1)


down quark + photon produces:- up quark + electron + neutrino


the photon had an energy gap of 10 produced by a different phase shift


What is the significance of a gap of 8? At some point you need to tie this to a physical process. Otherwise it's just numerology.

Posted (edited)

newtons third law of motion,a force in one direction must be met by an equal and opposite force(page 1 of my thread).

a force 0f +4 in one direction is met by an equal and opposite force in opposite direction -4.Producing a potential energy gap of 8.

two forces of +3-5 must be met by equal and opposite -3+5.

which can be achieved by phase shifting a transverse wave.



be it (+3/6 : -5/6)

or (+3 : -5)

or (3x10^7 : -5x10^7)

Edited by derek w
Posted (edited)

I could put in following values as a force:-


(u) = (+1.26 x 10^6) : (-.41 x 10^) = gap of 8(.21 x 10^6) = (1.68 x 10^6)


or (u) = (+2.52 x 10^6) : (-.82 x 10^6) = gap of 8(.42 x 10^6) = (3.28 x 10^6)


(d) = (+1.56 x 10^6) : (-2.6 x 10^6) = gap of 8(.52 x 10^6) = (4.08 x 10^6)


or (d) = (+2.16) x 10^6) : (-3.6 x 10^6) = gap of 8(.72 x 10^6) = (5.76 x 10^6)



interesting that using the same ratio of u=(+1 : -1/3) and d =(+1/2 : -5/6)


I can produce the various masses of up and down quarks in MeV/c2


the ratio is produced by phase shifting 2 polarized triangular waves (with 8 discrete positive steps and 8 discrete negative steps) by 1/4 of a cycle.

Edited by derek w

newtons third law of motion,a force in one direction must be met by an equal and opposite force(page 1 of my thread).

a force 0f +4 in one direction is met by an equal and opposite force in opposite direction -4.Producing a potential energy gap of 8.

two forces of +3-5 must be met by equal and opposite -3+5.

which can be achieved by phase shifting a transverse wave.



be it (+3/6 : -5/6)

or (+3 : -5)

or (3x10^7 : -5x10^7)


A force of +1 is balanced by a force of -1. The difference is 2. What is the significance of 8?


Also Newton's third law means that taking this difference is meaningless, as the forces have to act on different objects.

Posted (edited)

you are still not considering the idea of a phase shift on a polarized triangular transverse wave.


if we say that matter and anti-matter in the same place at same time will annihilate.

but if phase shifted they would never be in same place at same time.



ok.I have been on internet and found the correct term for my phase shift it is "quadrature amplitude modulation"

QAM for short.QAM uses a square of 2 e.g(2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256) lower modulations are less susceptible to interference from back ground noise.


in my model I have used an 8 bit QAM,not that I realised what I was doing at the time.Although maybe it is 16 bit because I have 8 positive and 8 negative values.

Edited by derek w
Posted (edited)

you point out that a force of +1 balanced by a force of -1.The difference is 2.What is the significance of 8.

If the +1 and -1 are phase shifted the +1 would be opposite -7,and the -1 would be opposite +7,giving the difference of 8.


If you have a dense area of quantum foam +1 that is creating matter at the rate of 10^6/sec,and a dense area -1 that is in same place at same time then they create and annihilate.

By phase shifting I can have a dense area of quantum foam +6/6 creating matter at rate of 10^6 and an area of quantum foam -2/6 that is not in same place at same time,which will annihilate at rate of 10^6/sec,leaving +4/6 charge.


(uud) = +6/6

excess charge radiates outward unless balanced by (-7/6 : +1/6) phase shifted area of quantum foam(or plasma not sure of the difference).

Edited by derek w

I conclude that you're just making the numbers up. No, AFAICT the equation has no meaning. Models have to describe observations.

Posted (edited)

you maybe right,but i am not ready to give up yet.


Swarm theory traces it's roots back to the 1940's in a conjecture by john von neumann, that there might be a self-replicating automaton.


so I am now studying swarm theory,but sticking with my ratio's e.g:-


swarm of 600(+) and 200(-) = up quark

swarm of 500(-) and 300(+) = down quark


swarm of 600(-) and 200(+) = anti-up quark

swarm of 500(+) and 300(-) = anti-down quark


total swarm (up+up+down) = 1500(+) and 900(-)


an electron would have to have an excess of 600(+)

e.g. swarm of 600(+) or a swarm of 800(+) and 200(-)



the swarm consisting of dense quantum foam or gluon's


so far my internet search has led to the following topics:-

charged system search(CSS)

gravitational search algorithm

particle swarm optimization(PSO)

self propelled particles(SPP)

the European space agency is thinking about an orbital swarm for self assembly and interferometry

Edited by derek w
Posted (edited)

plank's constant h = 6.626(etc)

let y=h/8

and plot on y axis vertical


take the idea of a 6.6 volt a/c 2 phase motor,with a 90 degree phase shift,the current flow in the windings of the armatures is in opposite directions but reverses at 60hz.When the amplitude is rising in one direction it is falling in the opposite direction.Another way of looking at it is from one end,if the amplitude peak is 6.6volts that peak would be screwing towards you as a right hand screw,while the opposing peak would be screwing away from you as a left hand screw.


I am trying to use this idea to create a model of matter and anti-matter,with matter having right hand energy and anti-matter left handed energy.

plotting 1 cycle of the two waves with a 90 degree separation:-

























e(electron)=(-7 x 10^9 x h/8 : +1 x 10^9 x h/8)

but of course the frequency can change so i should say:-

e = screw to left(-7 x f x h/8)(+1 x f x h/8)screw to right

up = screw to right(+6 x f x h/8)(-2 x f x h/8)screw to left

down = screw to left(-5 x f x h/8)(+3 x f x h/8)screw to right



in the case of a swarm (energy)screw to left would cause swarm to spin to the left(anti-clockwise)

and (energy)screw to right would cause swarm to spin to the right(clockwise)

Edited by derek w

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