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  1. What happens while viewing a Stereogram To the Eye, To the Brain, To the Mind (OPTHALMO - NEURO - PSYCHO LOGICALLY
  2. Do the two Eyes cross while viewing a Stereogram. What is special, specific about the distance between the two Eyes when the two Eyes click and the two images coincide to form a third 3D image.
  3. Is it true EEG shows no change while Stereogram viewing, But FMRI shows blood flowing to some part of the Brain (*Which Part, To what effect).
  4. Will prolonged viewing affect the Eye, Brain, Mind.
  5. Can Stereogram viewing be turned into a good creative exercise.
  6. Are the wonderment, The depth, The concentration, Absorption real and good.
  7. Can this be used as a therapy for certain Eye disorders, Or even psychological stress etc..

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