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For the first time on an example of mammals is experimentally found,criterion of health according to which operates {work}: natural selection and areproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization ofinfinite variants of pathology.


The establishedcriterion allows carrying out the control of parental levels of viability before the beginning of conception of descendants,and opens a new era in prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction.


As criterionof health or viability of organisms the found opposition of levels, i.e.parameters of speed of a nitrogenous (albuminous) metabolism is accepted. It isshown, that low levels of a metabolism belong to weak organisms and providerealization of infinite variants of pathology. And on the contrary, high levels in viable organisms which have contrastopposition concerning low levels - forbid realization of any pathology.


Istracked the inheritance by posterity of parental levels of a metabolism.Prevailing influence of female levels on posterity is caused by pregnancy andintra-uterine development of a fruit.


Bymeans of registration of levels of a metabolism at oarsmen, swimmers andfighters, to surprise of trainers, the blind method also shows, that oppositionof individual parameters during sports is naturally observed in conformity isindividual speed of metabolic processes of the sportsman.


Also it is revealed, that at people the high level of ametabolism is historically lost, and that is why he requires restoration. Itcauses growth of a wide spectrum of the illnesses menacing by disappearance ofmankind. Results of the present {true} researches can be used also:


- In prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction, by means of the control of parental levels of viabilitybefore conception of descendants;


- In a reproduction of new breeds and kinds ofanimals;


- in epidemiology;


- In the sanitary control of animals intended for thefood industry;


- In selection of methods of treatment and theirforecasting;


- In protection of motherhood and the childhood;


- In perfection of criteria of viability;


- In army;


- In sports;


Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viableorganisms specifies interrelation between preservation and development of thenature and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of organisms andqualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection. Theestablished Law of unity of material transitions or the Law of indissolubilityof attributes of life radically changes representation about development andpreservation of the nature which by mistake, i.e. in absence of substantiationhave been erected by a science in a rank separated from each other andconsequently laws perverting a reality.


With the purpose of prevention of illnesses indescendants is offered, to create the center, asthe control of viability is the necessity dictated by a life with the purposeof a survival and the further development of mankind in unity of organisms ofan environment. Realization of opening capable to carry out revolutionarychange in public health services and animal industries requires financialsupport from associates.


It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survives and prospersduring many millions years in absence of modern methods of diagnostics andtreatment of illnesses. Besides, the given process did not require theperverted substantiation of preservation of the nature irrespective ofdevelopment and, on the contrary, according to the laws thought up by ascience.


The attempt undertaken by a science with the purpose of prevention ofindividual variants of a pathology in the environment of their infinitevariety, has inevitably generated impracticable for financing also infinitelywide variety of scientific institutes.


In connection with absence ofthe criterion necessary for differential diagnostics and the control ofviability of organisms, the animal industries and public health servicesundergo huge expenses, and cannot restorehistorically lost viability:


- Not by means of thefinance intended for it and auxiliary means;


- Not bymeans of army of researchers and a wide structure of the scientificinstitutes, vainly trying to embrace separately an infinite variety ofindividual illnesses;


- Not bymeans of set below and above the listed laws.


Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic,bacterial, virus, immune, allergic, neurological, mental, cardiovascular,oncological, endocrynologycal, etc. illnesses. So, for example, difficultly found out changesto structure of DNA and genes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistantto treatment at organisms that is accessible to diagnostics and with open eyes. The given fact testifies that the moderngenetics cannot provide diagnostics and the control of set of changeable ortransitive levels of viability over absence of obvious attributes of apathology though she and tries to carry out it with an anticipation andpersistence by means of antiscientific lie and the advertising gimmicksintended with the purpose of expiation of unjustified hopes and wasted ofbillions.


As an example, we shall consider pregnancy at healthy rats, in acondition of a half-starved albuminous diet which accompanies at children: adystrophy, caries of a teeth (at their occurrence), irreversible changes withanomaly in bodies and fabrics and reduction of concentration in cells of DNAnot without change of its structure. Having lost the way among two birches, inthe form of puryny and pyrymydyn the bases: adenyn - guanyn and tymyn - uracyl,genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism together with own applicabilityin a science and a practice. Consequence of it became below mentioned a realityperverted to the detriment of health of animals and people.


In anxiety concerning what ugliness will be born in followinggeneration,


We distinctly realize similar to researchers in the field of genetics anoutstanding role of surgeons in reproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip,blindness, absence in the newborn organism from intestines of the external aperture and so it isinfinite.


In the field of experimental oncology it was possible to be convincedthat to researchers sometimes is possible to get rid of cancer cells and from atumor as from an alarm bulb by means of a hammer, but not from the reason whichhave generated illness, its{her} inevitable return after treatment and death ofan organism.



Here itis possible to find out the way of prevention of illnesses at descendants. Readclause {article}: Opening of secret of natural selection and reproduction ofviable organisms. In English: http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/720546


It is mostcorrectly told In Russian: http://www.geneforum.ru/topic658.html


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