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just a few questions to consider food for thought

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What if the "first big bang" wasn't the first big bang? Gravity might not have been just right th first time.

What if our universe was actually started by an alternate universe forking into a different course? Alternate universes and all

Could our universe have been started by an alternate dimension 3rd or 5th?

Can our universe have been trully formed out of nothing?

What if our universe is a loop expanding and collapsing on itself repeatedly? Its currently expanding and at some point it might stoop will then it stay that way or might "time" kind of reverse.

Again physics is law but if physics started at the universal bang could it possibly be changed in one way or another i.e. dark matter or such.

Im not a scientist just into watching the discovery channal, science magazine and the likes, plus im drunk. If you have any imput or would just like to repremand me in some way post here i would love to know what your opinion is.


Also could it possibly be that since the possible first big bang, this might have happened multiple times before, that a race like our or an "alien" race could send a mission to kickstart a big bang again and again making similar universes each time?

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This is a mainstream science thread that requires mainstream accepted scientific reasoning and evidence-based posts. Religious arguments do not belong here.

njaohnt's post was split to its own thread and moved to the Religion forum in case anyone is up for a debate on its merits.

Don't post religious and non-scientific arguments in the mainstream science sub forums again, please.

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If it wasn't clear, here's a clarification: moderation notes should not be argued upon publically. You have a "report" button if you wish to make your case. Arguing about moderation notes derails the thread to OFF TOPIC conversation and that's not acceptable.

Please stick to topic, answer mainstream science answer to a mainstream science question.

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