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black holes and the beginning fo the universe


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I know I can't describe this mathematically but I'll try to do it with mere words.


Black holes have or do in some theories a singularity at the center, I have given this some thought and what if this singularity is connected with the singularity of the beginning of the universe and all matter that falls into a black hole is shuffled back to the big bang as it happened. So the universe is indeed a steady state as matter is drawn into a black hole it is immediately shuffled back to the instant of the big bang. This would make black holes recyclers of the universe. The reason I thought of this is due to time having no meaning (so I've read) beyond the event horizon and the idea of black holes being connected to white holes but we do not see any white holes in our universe but what if the white hole all black holes are connected to is the ultimate white hole, The Big Bang...?

Edited by Moontanman
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