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Frog part 2


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ok, I need to predict what would happen if deformed frogs in a polluted area over time would Deformation be excessive or deformed frogs in a clean area would over time and generations be less deformed.????

How would i do this, and how can i put this in a data table or how would i explain my results?

Where can i get info on this?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Hitman47

ok, I need to predict what would happen if deformed frogs in a polluted area over time would Deformation be excessive or deformed frogs in a clean area would over time and generations be less deformed.????

How would i do this, and how can i put this in a data table or how would i explain my results?

Where can i get info on this?


Your sentence doesn't make much sense, but I will give it a go.


You would need some kind of standard for deformation. Are you going to classify every deformation as deformation, or are you going to make subclasses, such as lightly deformed, moderately deformed, highly deformed.


If I interpret your post correctly you would like to see if the deformations get less if frogs from a polluted area are kept in clean water. Each successive generation should be either be less deformed, or one could expect that the deformity disappears immediately with the first new generation in clean water.


This kind of information could easily be put in a table, bit since I am not sure what you want exactly I am not going to write much more.

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