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How can you marry to rich man and can not you marry to whore or sexual-frigid woman?

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How can you marry to rich man and can not you marry to whore or sexual-frigid woman?



I had been formulated own original theory on the basis of Charles Jung's theory about personality types. It can read my book Valery Staricov "Personality types. Complete version" in site


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According to my theory, it exists fourpersonality types of people: technician, psychologist, speaker and theorist.











These types differ from each other that they have different developed functions of a brain. Technician has most developed ability to technician activity, psychologist has most developed intuition, speaker has most developed werbal speech, theorist has most developed abstract-logical thinking. Technician and psychologist are contrasts, and for this reason they shouldn't contract a marriage with each other. The speaker and the theorist too are contrasts. Share of speakers consists 46 %, technicians – 32 %, psychologists –20 %, theorists – 2 % in the Ural population. Share of women among speakers and technicians consists of 50 %, among psychologists – 80 %, among theorists – 20%.


If you want to define personality type of the given person, that it is necessary to begin with the answer to a question, is this person the speaker or not? The speaker is brightly allocated from common mass of people always, therefore it is very easy to define by speaker. The speaker possesses high development of verbal speech (it is written on a forehead - "liar", "chatterbox" and «laughing-man» as at russian singer Vladimir Vysotsky), therefore speaker chatsall the day as the radio receiver, speaker is the leader in collective or he aspiresto leadership, style of speaker's thinking is superficial, speaker leans on numerous friends in the conflict, style of speaker's clothes is fashionable, speaker possesses "the pasted" friendly or impudent smile. If the given person isn't the speaker then it is most likely that this person is technician or psychologist since the share of theorists is little in population. But psychologist and technician are contrasts and strongly differ from each other. Psychologist possesses the spiritualized expression of face (it is written "poetess" and «whore» on a forehead), psychologist's face reminds a mirror where all emotions are read easily, psychologist possesses pathos style of speech, psychologist has "southern" features more often (psychologists compose the majority of population among the southern nations), psychologist has extravagant style of clothes (for example, psychologist has the shortest miniskirt, piercing etc.) psychologist has weakness of character and a position "from below" in dialogue, psychologist drive to have a support on the patron during the conflict. The technician possessesa cold passionless expression of face (itis written "sexual-frigid woman" on a forehead) and"northern" features, technician possesses monotonous style of speech,technician speak with a tribune with help of «a piece of paper», technician's style of thinking is sample and practical, technician is innate executor as the robot. Theorist possesses high degree of development of intelligence (it is written "botanist" on a forehead), theorist is the strong single and theorist keeps single or in weak group of outsiders, expression of his face is disseminated and unsociable, he in panic is afraid of a public statement.


I have conducted comparative empirical research of degree of success in love and quantity of love's relations among students of technical school and I have found out that the correlation of victories and defeats at speakers reaches 3/2, at psychologists — 1/1, that the correlation of victories and defeats attechnicians — 3/16, that the correlation of victories and defeats at theorists— 0/5.


Quantity of love's relations to one man is 3,75 at psychologist. Quantity of love's relations to one man is 2,6 at speaker. Quantity of love's relations to one man is 2 at theorist. Quantity of love's relations to one manis 1,6 at technician.


It can do conclusion that speakers and psychologists are potencial "hanter" in love, technicians and theorists are potencial "victims" in love. Speakers surpass another personality types to degree of success in love. Psychologists yield a little by speaker to degree of success in love but psychologists surpass by speakers to quantity of love's relations.


Psychologist hasthe following advantages in the family life:


· High sexuality.


· Ability to be subordinated implicitly and to settle conflicts from the position from below, ability to create warm microclimate and relations of love in the family.


Psychologists have the following shortcomings:


· Tendency toward the unemployment and the absence of the stable income.


· Such parasitic traits of character as infantilism, laziness and the tendency to live after the calculation of husband.


· Tendency toward the conjugal treasons.


· Inability and the unwillingness to carry out home works


Woman-psychologists begin sexual life earlier than other personality types. Woman-psychologists enter into their first marriage earlier than other personality types and woman-psychologists are capable of bearing as many children, as husband will be able to feed. Woman-psychologist is agree able to play the role of domestic slave even frequently, but it is desirable to play this role in "gold cage", otherwise it can betray husband and give to the divorce.


It is possible to do the conclusion that the man-psychologist is frequently looser in the life and he is bad suited to the role of husband, but he is well suited to the role of lover. All "fateful" men such as Don Juan, Casanova were psychologists, love was their only craft in the life, they mastered to the perfection this craft which caused contempt ,envy and hatred of other men. Psychologist and speaker are record holders in aquantity of treasons, legal and civil marriages (psychologist has first marriage on the love, and then according to the calculation). The main objective is to find rich fiancé and patron in the life of woman- psychologist. Some man-psychologists have a tendency toward the nontraditional sexual orientation.


Technician has the following advantages in the family life:


· Presence of a constant work and stable, average according to the size of income.


· Desire and ability to be engaged in homework


Technician have the following shortcomings:


· Low sexuality, which forces his husband to the treasons.


· The tendency to grumble and to cavil toward other members of family for the least occasion.


· The absence of enterprise with the solution of family problems,


It is possible to do the conclusion that the problem to marry is most complex problem in the life for technician. Technician marries later than other personality types, since their fiancés select by technicians lastly and according to the calculation, when fiancé want have"honest" wife and good housewife.


Speaker has the following advantages in thefamily life:


· Highest, but not stable income.


· Leader's qualities, the readiness to take upon itsel finitiative and burden of the solution of financial problems and protection of family from the external dangers.


Speaker has the following shortcomings:


· Tendency toward alcoholism, adventurism, crimes and gamblings, he don't have diligence and desires to study enough.


· The instability quarries and incomes of speaker.


It ispossible to do a conclusion: the speaker doesn't have problems by search of the groom or the bride. Woman untraditional sexual orientation is speaker often.


Theorist has the following advantages:


· Average and stable income.


· Long-range plan for the life.


· An absence of tendency toward alcoholism and a small quantity of friends, these qualities of character guarantee rest and order inthe house.


Theorist has the following shortcomings:


· The incapacity to work as chief or businessman, which exclude for it the possibility of obtainingthe high incomes.


It is possible to do the conclusion that the theorist has the lowest success in the love and some problems with the entrance into the marriage.


Husbandcan be confident, that the wife-technician will not change to him, although this husband sometimes is forced to have a mistress on the side. The best candidate for the role of mistress - this is psychologist, but the selection of psychologist to the role of wife is connected with too great a risk of treasons. Therefore woman-psychologists choose profession of prostitute, striptease or photo model often.


Main principle with the selection of husband consists in that it is necessary to select the identical or close to own personality type and in no case it is not possible to select the opposite personality type.


The marriage between psychologist and technicianis the sufficiently frequent error, which comes to end with divorce frequently.


Classical example of a similarun successful marriage is the marriage between the technician English princeCharles and psychologist princess Diana.


It is possible to do following conclusions. It is not necessary to condemn various personality types for their propensities in family life. Each personality type lives and survives how isable. To marry for rich, it is necessary to choose in husbands of the "correct" speaker who does not have bad habits. That not to receivethe wife-whore, it need not marry topsychologist. That not to receive the wife-sexual-frigid, it need not is need not marry to technician.




I am Russian man, I understand English language bad. Therefore I ask my opponents to write by his posts clear simple andbriefly. Otherwise I can not to understand words of my opponents.

Edited by Phi for All
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've never been rich, wouldn't marry a whore and luckily didn't marry a sexually frigid woman. I came here out of curiosity to see what it is about. Having seen the length of the post I think I'll quickly move on!


lol 156 voyuers so far and no participants. hehehehe


My articles are on all Russian-speakingsocial-scientist forums already, my articles will be too on allEnglish-speaking forum soon. It is my purpose. This article about whores andfrigid women is my most popular article.






Well, I've never been rich, wouldn't marry a whore and luckily didn't marry a sexually frigid woman. I came here out of curiosity to see what it is about. Having seen the length of the post I think I'll quickly move on!


You are lucky with women in your life, it isimpossible to tell about other men. My article is written for these other menthat they didn't do errors in youth on inexperience. I have collected in thisarticle wisdom scientific theory by Carl Jung and experience of all my life. Idetain nobody also you can go further.




The OP thinks there are only 4 sorts of people.



I lean onCharles Junga's experience and I lean on experience of my supervision within 13years at school, female prison and the employment center. In my opinion thereare only 4 personality types from which one (theorist) meets extremely seldom,therefore the person deals mainly only with 3 types of the person. It is veryconveniently for supervision and it has allowed me to make easily the visualtest for personality types. Kiersey,Maers and Briggs couldn't make the visual test as they have 16 personalitytypes All results of their researches are doubtful because of the absence ofthe visual test.







"This article about whores andfrigid women is my most popular article."

Lol again.


"In my opinion thereare only 4 personality types from which one (theorist) meets extremely seldom,therefore the person deals mainly only with 3 types of the person. "

Lol again.

I know people who can show 4 different personality types before lunch.

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