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The Genesis One Code by Daniel Friedmann


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The Genesis One Code by Daniel Friedmann




Daniel Friedmann in his book TheGenesisOneCode shows how there is no conflict in the origin of the universe between the 6 creation days as described in Genesis(6000 years of Biblical time) and 13.7 billion years as described in the scientific Big Bang model.


His associates mailed me to review his book as I was a book blogger and I thought of posting in Book Talk forum or in the Contradictions: Religion vs Science thread but since this was still at the speculation stage I thought it was better to post it here.


His extensive studies in the Oral Law of Torah consisting of Talmud and Zohar which is a group of mystical works also known as Kabbalah shows that there are three timeline events namely the creation time, divine time and the human time and more interestingly the cosmic Sabbatical cycles of 49000 years gives us a conversion factor so that we can convert human time to divine time as well as creation time showing how the events in Genesis is compatible with the origin of human beings around 5 thousand years ago in an universe which is 13.7 billion years old.


Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish mystical tradition that teaches the deepest insights into the essence of God, His interaction with the world, and the purpose of Creation. The Kabbalah and its teachingsno less than the Laware an integral part of the oral tradition. They are traced back to the revelation to Moses at Sinai, and some even before (one book is said to have been Adam's). The Kabbalah teaches that science will inform spirituality, and spirituality will inform science by the time the Messianic era arrives. Kabbalah means reception, for we cannot physically perceive the Divine; we merely study the mystical truths.


In this respect, we are told in Psalms that one day for God is equivalent to 1,000 years as experienced by humans.


Through out human history and across wide mystical traditions mystics have often claimed that almost half a month would have passed in the natural world while they're in the spiritual realm of God even for a few minutes. This shows that there is a difference between the human perception of time and the actual physical divine time. Religious scriptural texts should be falsified through revealations and not via empirical scientific evidence.


Now only one view can be right both science as well as mysticism cannot claim that they can give the knowledge of the ontological nature of space, time and matter.


This is not a modern concept. Isaac ben Samuel of Acre (fl.13th-14th century), a Kabbalist who lived in the land of Israel 800 years ago, was the first to state that the universe is actually billions of years old, at a time when the prevalent thought was that the universe was thousands of years old. Isaac arrived at this conclusion by distinguishing between time as experienced by humans and time as experienced by God, herein described as Human Time and Divine Time, respectively. However, his work was only brought to light recently in English by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1979).


To know more read the book by following the link.


(edit: link changed due to problems from other members and also taking note of the publisher rights)

Edited by immortal
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What does he make of the entirely wrong (and contradictory) order of events in Genesis?



He has adressed them. This is his reasoning for an earth older than the sun.


Scientific theory has postulated that the earth was formed about 30 MY later than the sun (i.e. 4.5 to 4.6 BY ago). Alternatively, a simple interpretation of Genesis indicates that the earth is much older than scientists have determined. Careful examination of scientific literature on the formation of the sun, the moon and the earth reveals that scientists have accurate and direct measurements for the age of the sun and moon. However, in the case of the earth, scientists have not found a way to determine its age directly, because the earth is a living planet, constantly destroying and recycling old rocks and creating new rock via plate tectonics and volcanism. If there are any of earth's primordial rocks left in their original state, they have not yet been found. Thus, all we can say is that the earth is at least as old as any of its oldest rocks. The oldest earth rocks date back to about 4 BY ago.


Meteorites, which are fragments of asteroids (small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun) that fall to earth, date back to about 4.5 BY ago.29 Scientists have theorized that the earth formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system, including the asteroids. Thus, scientists take the age of the meteorites found on earth to be the same as the age of the earth.


However, cosmologists have discovered planets that have been ejected from star systems, potentially by a supernova (a very large stellar explosion).30 Some scientists have postulated that the earth itself was ejected by an earlier solar system.31 It is also known that nucleosynthesis in stars created enough elements to constitute earth-like planets approximately 8 billion years ago. Thus, the earth could have formed much earlier somewhere in the disk of our galaxy, passed through the clouds of molecular hydrogen and other material from which the solar system was being formed, and been trapped by the gravity of the solar system's material as the system formed 4.5 BY ago. Then, over time asteroids dating back to the formation of the solar system have fallen to earth and in so doing produced the meteorites that we now date. This scenario, which does not contradict the scientific measurement of the age of the earth's rocks (but does contradict the currently accepted theory that the earth formed with the solar system), is consistent with Genesis wherein the planet earth is formed in Day 3 (one day earlier than the sun and moon), some 7.5 to 8 BY ago.


Ironically, a controversy that arose owing to literal interpretations of the Bible asserting a young earth, which in no way squared with unfolding scientific evidence for an old earth, has now become a matter of re-examining scientific theory stimulated by a non-literal interpretation of the first six days—and this toward a theory predicting an even older earth!


As for the origin of diversity of life is concerned he agrees that there are very strong disagreements between the description given by evolution by natural selection and the description given in Genesis as to how they originated and he mainly deals with the timeline of fossil evidence and the timeline given in Genesis and he says that they are in good accordance with each other.








It asks me for a password.

When all is said and done, I rather doubt I'm missing much.


Sorry for the inconvenience, infact I was the one who uploaded it to google docs and I have shared it to "any who has the link" restriction access and you should be able to access it. Its strange.

Edited by immortal
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Sorry for the inconvenience, infact I was the one who uploaded it to google docs and I have shared it to "any who has the link" restriction access and you should be able to access it. Its strange.

Mr. Friedmann is, understandably, somewhat annoyed by your decision to upload the entirety of his copyrighted work to Google Docs and share it on SFN. Thank you for switching the link to the Google Docs preview, which is substantially more legal.

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