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Parallel universes.

Guest hadeka

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hi all, i want to ask something about the multiverses theory (parallel universe).


Maybe it is not a universe, it is multiverse, and GOD is the GOD of these multiverses because these multiverses are all in just one big universe.


anyway, i would like to clear my point to make you see what im thinking of.


well ...


Let me talk from a creationism and religious point of view right now.


Now, GOD created a very big universe which contains multiverses which are connected by each other through wormholes.

Suddenly, GOD created a man and woman (Adam and Eve) and sent them to the earth (our earth).

they started as they are the parents and the source of the humanity to build the earth, the different between human and any other being, is that human have a mind, which can separate between good and evil, etc... .


And ... the multiverse theory states that,, because our universe is too big and we will never reach or just know its border, so there are infinite possibilities that our world can have another copy in other place in our universe with small differences, caused by exact laws of that world.


So, if GOD sent Adam and Eve to earth, so how can they exist in other place in our big universe too?


I mean, what is the possibility that they exist in another parallel universe if they have been created not evolved?? and can it happen ? and how ?

sorry ,it's a long reply.


hope u can understand what i meant here.


thank u.



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If by parallel universes you mean the (theoretical) infinate number of universes created by every choice we could possibly make (e.g. if you wanted to buy an icecream, there would be three different universes from that one notion alone, in one you would buy it and in the other you wouldn't) then there would have been many Adams and Eves.

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No, i mean the other theory that (i hope i'll explain it right).


Our universe is too big, so of course, there is a possibility that there are civilizations similar to our own.


Here is my question, If Human has been created, just a creation, as the relgions told us, so the existence of similar civilization is not possible.


But, if the human was evolved from an origin which was the same origin of the universe which is the same origin of everything in our universe, so the existence of similar civilization is possible.


S, is there any possibility that a similar human exist in another place in the universe even if that human has been created ??


I hope u can understand what i mean.


I would like to know your opinion.


Thank u.



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If I understand you correctly, you are asking us to consider two possibilities: a multi-verse created by an active God, who also created Adam and Eve; a multi-verse arising n some other way. In each case, what are the possibilities of there humans arising in another Universe or elsewhere in this Universe?

If you believe in Adam and Eve, i.e. in a literal meaning of the Old Testament, then it seems to me that you would have to consider them to be unique. (Perhaps one of our bible literalists who entertain us with their thoughts on evolution could make a useful comment here.)

If I understand the concepts of multiple universes correctly (and I probably don't) they would each possess slightly different characteristics (Strengths of forces, fundamental constants) and so would evolve in different ways. The majority of them would not have conditions that would favour the evolution of life. Consequently, although there would still be a vast number of universes hospitable to life, we then have to set against that the bizarre, chaotic series of chance events that led to the evolution of humanity. The odds would very much be against the same chance events occuring again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if a supreme being created us but if he did in his/her supramcy what would be the point or meaning of creation to him/her? is there a meaning of life? it seems to be an on going quest & all animals including us find it utterly important to multiply ourselves.If Darwin was correct we still have no meaning but I believe we need to explore much of our universe to piece together an understanding of our universe;but in answer to parallel universes I guess that is a probability & maybe they could sustain life as we know it;but if that were true then even more of us would be looking for the meaning of life. Personaly my own belief is evolution but how or why the universe ever started I believe we'll never know.It's beyond my imagination that once there was nothing at all no time no space & then some miracle happened to bring all these fantastic chain of events "The Creation of our Universe" & life on our planet the creation of time.So if God does exist did he exist before time? After all it is a miracle ..."life".. isn't it? Animals & vegatation provide food & water for us.I really don't know what to believe I feel really humble & stand in awe at the great wonders of this universe...The sun the moon all the planets the stars & isn't fantastic all of us are part of this awesome miracle when I first came on this site I just took relativity & the science of our universe as natural & for granted but oh my what a wonderful universe///thank-you to all of you out-there for opening my eyes...us.2u

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I have a million and one things I'd like to say in responce to the above but this is not the correct forum to discuss this.


So, I'll only adress your universe from nothing pertaining only to 'parallel universes.' Everything in a thread has to, in some way, pertain to the OP.



Lets say you can represent nothing as a symmetrical state, somewate like where a + b = 0. [One can imagine the idea that a positron and an electron, whereth meeting do not exist because their interaction on the universe is completely cancelled out. This is sometimes an argument for quantum wirdness because these particles can tunnel or borrow from its canceling force.]


It’s been shown that the creation of a multiuniverse ex nihilio is a potential consequence of the potential existence of certain types of quantum fields in a dimension-less, get this: static(!) state without time.


What we’ve found is that symmetrical states are inherently unstable when the net interaction is 0 (ie, a*b = 0). This nihil can be spontaneously broken in order to reduce it to the lower-energy, asymmetric, but more stable state, resulting in a chain of universes each experiencing asimilar inflationary periods corisponding to the multidimensional farmwork of the aftermath that is calculated purely on probability because of the inherent nature of nothing.


Instead of having [a] sets of we have [a] haves of that correspond to cancel out the combined, usually positive force of the other (ab)/2 creating a well defined state of [a] number of universes that are intrinsically connected to each other to sum to nothing [where only the net of (ab)/2 is equal to b + the other [a] set of = 0].


So what happens is each symmetrical state corresponds to a opposite state in a higher dimensional construct that all work together to produce a net existence of 0 under the conditions of the initial dimintionless (which is a sub set of every set) nothingness. This is only allowed because the second state (multi universe) is exactly the same as the very fist state (nothing). The equations look very similar to those describing quantum interactions of elementary particles.


The thing to remember is the paradox above where something = nothing. 1proton + 1positron = 0. (Spin and charge). One can then posit that such an interaction results in a release of energy (their gravity; ie, 2positrons) produce negative energy that can explain the existence of dark energy (left over energy from 0 state fluctuations). However, these two particles still exist because their combined interaction is still apparent and they still act freely and can ‘break the bond’. In the above multi universe model, however, everything = nothing. We are just small enough to feel the effects of individual reactions that sum nonexistence.


Edit to add:

So really we're actually part of nothing, and everything with God noware in site! Unless we represent God with an antiGod, in which case their interactions wouldnt effect us because they cancell out to produce absolutelly nothing; jsut like us. So one can say that to God, we dont exist! :D

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hadeka ,

I think maybe to understand properly about possibility of life in another universe a little coherantly, I would just suggest being free from religious stimuli , as it tends to disrupts the objective pursuit of knowledge of which you are trying to seek .


I believe in a 'parallel universe' to ours also but I don't believe 'God' created the universe personally . I just think of God as being the Greatest Mystery and we are here trying to understand those mysteries of universe by means of objective reasoning and evidence in order to achieve a slight understanding in how God affects us everyday .


I think it is just logical to think if the direction of where our universe is heading ,from point 0 to -- > +1 then there will another universe which travels a different direction < -- -1 from point 0 where exists a form of life somewhere similar to our positioning in our universe .


Though all I can do is hope and believe there is another life because I don't think anyone is ever going to find a direct way to communicate or see beyond the point of 0 and thats why I will keep believing in the Greatest Mystery which all of us are searching for .

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