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Eww...Life Span Of A Cockroach Anyone...?


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My mum n dad have just recently been on a holiday to Teneriffe for the week as part of there Twentieth Wedding Anniversary...


Anyway, she has just rung me at my university accomodation telling me to check the internet fot the life span of a spanish cockroach! :eek: Why...?


It just happens she brought back a little visitor back in the suit case... shes only just opened the suitcase to do the laundry and spotted a cockaroch run out and escape into the house....


Worst thing is tho...im coming back home this weekend! What joy! :-(


Question is, does anyone know what the life span is or how to kill them...?


Help please before I go back home this weekend!


Ive tryed looking on the net but im completely hopeless! :confused::confused::confused:

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Why does everyone else have cockroaches except Finland? :( Our nature's biodiversity sucks big time. :)


What sort of 'roach was it? At least american cockroaches live normally more than a year, some individuals even near two years. Evaniid wasps are their natural enemy and not harmful to humans, you might want to get some of those. :) Or just blast the roaches with some mega insect-poison of überdoom.

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well the news is good and bad.


a roach can live upto 9 days with it`s head removed!

BUT... Methrin based isecticides will terminate them quite nicely :)


Ge im sure my mums going to love the idea of that! lol :D


But do you know where abouts you can buy Methrin based insecticides?... :confused:

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Why does everyone else have cockroaches except Finland? :( Our nature's biodiversity sucks big time. :)


What sort of 'roach was it? At least american cockroaches live normally more than a year' date=' some individuals even near two years. Evaniid wasps are their natural enemy and not harmful to humans, you might want to get some of those. :) Or just blast the roaches with some mega insect-poison of überdoom.[/quote']


I think its because finland is quite cold....mind you we dont have any cockroaches roaming around near where I live but dont know about the rest of England tho! :rolleyes:

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Rent-o-Kill do a range of Methrin based aerosol sprays :)


you`re UK based so you`ll be able to contact them easily.


they do Permethrin



phenomethrin and a load of others, one is CERTAINLY goint to kill a roach :)


don`t bother with the fly and wasp spray though, use the ant spray! that`s instant "knockdown" for flying creatures!


their ant killer should work quite well on a roach too, a LARGE! (one inch) black beetle takes about 2 mins before totaly dead, the effects occur within 5 seconds of a blast :)

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cockroaches live for quite a while. there were some in the back of the school's biology lab. they were there to replace the tarantula which the technician had to take home after it was a labelled a hazardous creature!


anyway, they must have been in there for a month or more. but then they werent babies when they were new, already x months old. and no i dont know what x is!


other than that... well theres the obvious leaving NI3 for them to step on... nuking your house and stuff.


you could try some neutron radiation as a good project!


or as YT suggested just contact pest controls e.g. rent-o-kill.

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"you could try some neutron radiation as a good project!"


You know what, I wonder why they don't use neutron radiation for bug exterminating. Or wait, maybe I do, since it's rather costly. :) But think about it; bomb a house with a heavy flux of neutrons and boom! Just about every living organism inside is rather dead. :) You'd have to wait for the radiation to go away, but it isn't too long, a couple of weeks I think (at least that's the case with neutron bombs).

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I think its because finland is quite cold....mind you we dont have any cockroaches roaming around near where I live but dont know about the rest of England tho! :rolleyes:

we dont have any cockroaches in manchester either, and i am pretty sure there are non in the rest of england except for the ones people keep as pets :confused: Nice!

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From what I've heard they will only nest in dirty houses, but they will eat anything including each other so I'm not sure that holds true. A good ultra late spring clean might help keep the chances of breeding down. There is a paste you can use which smells like sunday lunch to then but is leathal. There are also little card boxes with sticky paper inside which have a scent that attracts them and if theres a few you can watch them eat each other when they get stuck.

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"you could try some neutron radiation as a good project!"


You know what' date=' I wonder why they don't use neutron radiation for bug exterminating. Or wait, maybe I do, since it's rather costly. :) But think about it; bomb a house with a heavy flux of neutrons and boom! Just about every living organism inside is rather dead. :) You'd have to wait for the radiation to go away, but it isn't too long, a couple of weeks I think (at least that's the case with neutron bombs).[/quote']


Insects in general, and cockroaches in particular, are much more resistant to ionizing radiation than humans.

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Yeah I know, but a 1kGy dose of 1 MeV neutrons kills in the house and garden. :)


Edit: Wow, found a nice (though old, I don't know if it's up to date) article about "munching bacteria"




"can withstand at least 1.7 million rads" Yipes.


Edit2: Now then, back to eliminating cockroaches, if someone has something to add (YT covered the toxin thing quite well though :) )

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toxin really is the only way to deal with them.... hence we moved on to um; other methods!




rent-o-killl are standard professionals at there job in the UK and as this is a UK based problem (not generally, just one specific prob) rent-o-kill (nice name!) will do the job fine. maybe not the cheapest, but will do the job well... and i spose with this you want the job done well the first time!


gilded.... your avatar.... annoying bugs... im hitting something here!


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i thought roaches were supposed to survive a nuclear blast. I know they can survive in a microwave while operating.


Just squish'em if its just one and hope he isn't a she with alot of eggs. Check your electronics, they seem to love living inside VCR, TV, and radios.


I've known people who move because they are so infested with roaches. Everywhere they move, slowy becomes infested. This is because they hitch rides in the electronics. I've a friend who works at a video rental store, who tells stories of people returning movies broken, with bug guts caught in the reel's of the tape spool.


So make sure you get'em out your electronics.

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i thought roaches were supposed to survive a nuclear blast.



whilst i honestly dont know the answer either way... i cannot see how that is possible... temeperatures high enough to turn sand to glass... forces and pressures so high it would squish anything to 0.1% of its original size, radiation enough to give thousands of people radiation sickness.... i somehow doubt any biological creature or even mechanical could survive that!


well radiation previously discussed, but the pressures and temperature alone would be far too high for anything.

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As the link swansont says, the do take much more radioactive punishment than humans (or any mammals). However, I think there was a design of a neutron bomb that was capable of giving 1kGy doses to creatures on ground level when the bomb is exploded at the height of couple km. DIE ROACHES, DIE! :)


"temeperatures high enough to turn sand to glass..."


Trinitite is awesome, that's why I'm going to get some. :)

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